
Thuja occidentalis

Thuja occidentalis


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College of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Horticulture »

Landscape Plants



Common name: Eastern Arborvitae

American Arborvitae

Eastern White-cedar

Pronunciation: THEW-ya ok-si-den-TA-lis

Family: Cupressaceae

Genus: Thuja

Type: Conifer

Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No

> Conifer, evergreen tree/shrub, to 40 ft (12 m) high, broad pyramidal, branches erect and out spreading,

densely crowded. Bark reddish brown, fissured into narrow ridges covered with elongated

scales. Leaves in flattened branchlets, each scale-like, 2 mm long, abruptly pointed, those on the main

axes conspicuously glandular, bright green above and pale green below, may become yellow-brown in

winter. Male pollen cones are small (1-2 mm), inconspicuous, at the ends of the twigs. Seed cones

when mature are 9-14 mm long and brown..

> Sun. Prefers a deep, well-drained soil. When established it can withstand considerable heat and

drought. Often used for hedges. Susceptible to winter burn. Some cultivars, such as 'Smaragd' (syn.

'Emerald' or 'Emerald Geeen'), 'Nigra', and 'Teeny' do not discolor in winter.

) Native to USDA Zone (2)3 The species is native from eastern to central North America; from Nova

Scotia west to Manitoba and south to Illinois, Tennessee and North Carolina.

> Many cultivars:

> Some are narrow, columnar or cone-shaped, e.g., 'Brandon', 'Degroot's Spire', 'Smaragd' i.e.,

'Emerald Green', 'Nigra', and 'Pyramidalis'. A narrow pyramidal form tends to come true from seed,

but seedlings are not necessarily uniform in cultivation.

> Some cultivars have a dwarf, compact, and/or globular habit, e.g., 'Danica', 'Globosa', 'Hetz Midget',

'Little Gem', 'Sherwood Moss', 'Tiny Tim', and 'Woodwardii'.

> Others cultivars have golden or variegated foliage, e.g., 'George Washington', 'Gold Spot', 'Golden

Globe', 'Rheingold', 'Sherwood Frost', 'Sunkist', and 'Yellow Ribbon'.

> One has a weeping habit, 'Pendula'.

> Another has tread-like branchlets, 'Filiformis'.

> Occasionally used in bonsai.

> occidentalis: the western world (as opposed to orientalis, eastern, i.e., the Orient); does not mean western

North America

> Oregon State Univ. campus: northwest Market Place West (West Hall).


Click image to enlarge

in habitat, Maine

plant habit

plant habit, hedge

plant habit, tall screen


leaves and cones

mature cones and leaves

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leaves (underside), comparison

leaves, comparison

trunk, bark

Genus Thuja

> Eastern Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis

> American Arborvitae

) Eastern White-cedar

Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe'

Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget'

Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold'

Thuja occidentalis 'Yellow Ribbon'

) Golden Globe Arborvitae

> Hetz Midget Arborvitae

) Rheingold Arborvitae

) Yellow Ribbon Arborvitae


Thuja orientalis

> Chinese Arborvitae

> Oriental Arborvitae

Thuja plicata

) Western Red Cedar

> Giant Western Arborvitae

Thuja plicata 'Atrovirens'

) Atrovirens Western Red Cedar

) Atrovirens Giant Western Arborvitae

Thuja plicata 'Can Can'

i Can Can Western Red Cedar

) Can Can Giant Arborvitae

Thuja plicata 'Grune Kugel'

) Grune Kugel Cedar

> Grune Kugel Western Red Cedar

Thuja plicata 'Stoneham Gold'

) Stoneham Gold Cedar

) Stoneham Gold Western Red Cedar

Thuja plicata 'Zebrina'

) Zebrina Cedar

) Zebrina Western Red Cedar

Contact Info

Patrick Breen,

CPN (Certified Plant Nerd)


Copyright ©2024 Oregon State University



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