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Lesson 7<br />

Jesus Taught about the<br />

Kingdom of God<br />

Build a Kingdom<br />

Our kingdom’s name: __________________________________<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

A map of our land:<br />

Vocabulary<br />


• A reign is the rule and authority of a king. A king rules by making<br />

and enforcing laws and by judging his people by those laws. God is<br />

king of the universe and He rules over all things.<br />

• A kingdom is the place where a king rules. Jesus announced the<br />

coming of God’s Kingdom on earth.<br />

• An ambassador is a person from one nation who represents his<br />

nation in a foreign land. Jesus is the ambassador of God’s Kingdom.<br />

As disciples of Jesus, we too are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.<br />

• A custom is a tradition, or something that a person or a group of<br />

people do frequently as a habitual practice.<br />

• A rule is a direction for how to act.<br />

Prayer for This Lesson<br />

Our laws:<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom<br />

come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our<br />

daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who<br />

trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from<br />

evil. Amen.<br />

Our customs and traditions:<br />

38<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Lesson 7 • Day 1 Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Design a Flag<br />

Directions: Design a flag for your kingdom that includes symbols of the various<br />

characteristics of your kingdom.<br />

Signs of the Kingdom<br />

Directions: Think about the Kingdom of God and answer the reflection<br />

questions below.<br />

Draft<br />

What groups can you think of that form and stay<br />

11<br />

together, by choice?<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________<br />

Why do you think God does not force anyone<br />

21<br />

to be part of His Kingdom?<br />

________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________<br />

31 What are two signs of the Kingdom of God here on earth?<br />

• _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _<br />

• _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _<br />

40<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Lesson 7 • Day 2 Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

The Kingdom of God Assessment<br />

Directions: Fill in the boxes as we discuss the Kingdom of God.<br />

The Kingdom of God<br />

A map of the land: Draw a picture of what you think Heaven looks like.<br />

Ambassador of the<br />

Kingdom of God<br />

Directions: You are an ambassador of the Kingdom of God. You meet<br />

someone who has never heard of the Kingdom and knows nothing<br />

about God. What would you tell that person about the Kingdom of<br />

God? How would you describe the Kingdom? Write a paragraph of<br />

at least five to seven sentences explaining what you would say.<br />

Draft<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

Our laws: What are the laws of the Kingdom of God?<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

Our customs and traditions: What are the customs<br />

and traditions of the Kingdom of God?<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

42<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

Thy Kingdom Come Assessment<br />

Directions: Think about the Kingdom of God and answer the reflection<br />

questions below.<br />

Draft<br />

11 When we pray “Thy _____________________________ come,” we are asking the Lord<br />

to help us welcome His Kingdom into our own _____________________________ ,<br />

and also that everyone here on _______________________________ may welcome<br />

the Kingdom of God into their _______________________________ , too.<br />

21 What should we as ambassadors of the Kingdom do?<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

31 Who are examples we can follow as ambassadors of the Kingdom?<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

41 Where is the Kingdom of God?<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________________<br />

44<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God

Lesson 7<br />

Jesus Taught about<br />

the Kingdom<br />

of God<br />

Draft<br />


Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Lesson 7 at a Glance<br />

Draft<br />

Lesson Plan Chart<br />

DAY 1<br />

Learning Goals<br />

• A kingdom consists of a ruler, a land, laws, customs, and the people of the kingdom.<br />

• The key elements of the Kingdom of God are love of God and love of neighbor.<br />

• All members of God’s Kingdom are called to share the Kingdom with others and to<br />

welcome it in their hearts.<br />





Vocabulary Your Students Will Learn<br />

• A reign is the rule and authority of a king. A king rules by making and enforcing laws and by<br />

judging his people by those laws. God is king of the universe and He rules over all things.<br />

• A kingdom is the place where a king rules. Jesus announced the coming of God’s Kingdom<br />

on earth.<br />

• An ambassador is a person from one nation who represents his nation in a foreign land.<br />

Jesus is the ambassador of God’s Kingdom. As disciples of Jesus, we too are ambassadors<br />

of the Kingdom of God.<br />

• A custom is a tradition, or something that a person or a group of people do frequently as a<br />

habitual practice.<br />

• A rule is a direction for how to act.<br />

Warm-Up: Teacher guided activity pg. # N/A<br />

Activity: Build a Kingdom; Design a Flag pg. # pg. #<br />

Formative Assessment: Teacher guided activity pg. # pg. #<br />

DAY 2<br />



Warm-Up: Design a Flag pg. # pg. #<br />

Activity: Signs of the Kingdom pg. # pg. #<br />

Formative Assessment: The Kingdom of God Assessment pg. # pg. #<br />

DAY 3<br />



Warm-Up: Teacher guided activity pg. # N/A<br />





Key Scripture Passages<br />

“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “You shall love<br />

the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the<br />

greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as<br />

yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”<br />

— Matthew 22:36–40<br />

“Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit<br />

the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you<br />

gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked<br />

and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ …‘Amen, I say to you,<br />

what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ ”<br />

— Matthew 25:34–36, 45<br />

Activity: Ambassador of the Kingdom of God pg. # pg. #<br />

Formative Assessment: Thy Kingdom Come Assessment pg. # pg. #<br />

Connections to the Catechism in This Lesson<br />

CCC 541-542, 551, 553<br />

Prayer for This Lesson<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on<br />

earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we<br />

forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.<br />

Amen.<br />

2<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Our kingdom’s name: __________________________________<br />

A map of our land:<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Our laws:<br />

Directions: Design a flag for your kingdom that includes symbols of the various<br />

characteristics of your kingdom.<br />

Our customs and traditions:<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Activity and Assessment Worksheet<br />

Day 1<br />

(page ## in the Student Workbook)<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Warm-Up<br />

A. Begin by leading your students in the prayer for this lesson:<br />

Build a Kingdom<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will<br />

be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us<br />

Our kingdom’s name: __________________________________<br />

our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into<br />

temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.<br />

A map of our land:<br />

B. Explain to your students that in today’s lesson they are going to learn about kingdoms. Ask<br />

your students to think of different kingdoms they know about — from books, movies, and<br />

so forth. They may think of examples as depicted in King Arthur, The Emperor’s New Groove,<br />

Disney Princess movies, The Lord of the Rings, et cetera.<br />

C. Discuss together the four basic elements that all of these kingdoms have in common:<br />

• a king.<br />

• a region or territory it occupies.<br />

• people living within that area.<br />

• laws and a government for the people living within the kingdom, determined by the king.<br />

D. Explain that a kingdom is the place where a king reigns. A king rules over a land by making<br />

and enforcing laws and customs. You may go into a deeper explanation of each of these if<br />

students are not familiar with these concepts.<br />

Activity and Assessment<br />

A. Arrange students in groups of three or four. Have each group turn to Build a<br />

Our laws:<br />

Kingdom on pg. XX in the Student Workbook and develop a kingdom of their<br />

own. They will need to determine what their land will look like, what their<br />

laws will be, and what cultural customs and traditions will be observed by the<br />

people of their kingdom. After they have created a kingdom, have each group<br />

turn to Design a Flag on pg. XX in the Student Workbook, or provide larger<br />

Our customs and traditions:<br />

paper for them. Each group will then design a flag for their kingdom that<br />

includes symbols that teach about what the land, laws, and customs of their<br />

kingdom are like.<br />

B. This activity is to aid students in forming a solid foundation before being<br />

introduced to the larger idea of God’s kingdom on earth. The goal is to engage<br />

students in thinking about the four essential elements of a kingdom, and<br />

that a good kingdom is one in which the ruler makes laws that help make the<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

39<br />

kingdom a better place and build up the common good.<br />

4 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Build a Kingdom<br />

Design a Flag<br />

40 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

39<br />

Draft<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Activity and Assessment Worksheet<br />

Day 2<br />

(page ## in the Student Workbook)<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 1<br />

Warm-Up<br />

A. Begin with the prayer for this lesson:<br />

Design a Flag<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will<br />

Directions: Design a flag for your kingdom that includes symbols of the various<br />

be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us<br />

characteristics of your kingdom.<br />

our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into<br />

temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.<br />

B. Have the groups from the last class reconvene. Have them use the completed Design a Flag as<br />

they give a short presentation to the class about the kingdom they created, explaining its laws<br />

and customs.<br />

C. Ask your students the following questions:<br />

Activity<br />

A. Explain to your students that God is King of the whole universe. He made its laws and<br />

says how things will work. Many of the Jews who lived in Jesus’ time thought that God<br />

was going to make a kingdom here on earth where they could live, but Jesus taught His<br />

followers that the Kingdom of God is different. Although God does give us rules and laws<br />

to follow, He doesn’t force us to follow them; He wants us to choose to be members of His<br />

Kingdom. When Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, He is talking about a Kingdom<br />

made up of people who choose to live according to His example (His followers). Sometimes<br />

we use the term “Kingdom of Heaven” instead of “Kingdom of God.” These two terms<br />

mean the same thing. Although we are not yet in Heaven, where we will live with God for<br />

eternity, the Kingdom of Heaven starts here on earth because God’s kingdom is wherever<br />

His followers are.<br />

40<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

6 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Draft<br />

• Which kingdom would be the most appealing to live in? Why?<br />

• Would this kingdom help you to be the best person you could be? For example, if a kingdom<br />

had a law requiring its entire people to eat ice cream at every meal, it might sound fun, but<br />

it would not help you grow into strong, healthy people.<br />

• Is this kingdom fair?<br />

• God rules over a kingdom too. How do you think the Kingdom of God might differ from<br />

these earthly kingdoms?<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Directions: Think about the Kingdom of God and answer the reflection<br />

questions below.<br />

What groups can you think of that form and stay<br />

11<br />

together, by choice?<br />

________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________<br />

Why do you think God does not force anyone<br />

21<br />

to be part of His Kingdom?<br />

_______________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________<br />

What are two signs of the Kingdom of God here on earth?<br />

31<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Directions: Fill in the boxes as we discuss the Kingdom of God.<br />

The Kingdom of God<br />

A map of the land: Draw a picture of what you think Heaven looks like.<br />

Our laws: What are the laws of the Kingdom of God?<br />

Our customs and traditions: What are the customs<br />

and traditions of the Kingdom of God?<br />

_<br />

_<br />

11<br />

What<br />

21<br />

Why<br />

31<br />

What<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

B. Have your students turn to Signs of the Kingdom on pg. XX in the Student<br />

Signs of the Kingdom<br />

Activity Worksheet<br />

Workbook and answer the reflection questions.<br />

(page ## in the Student Workbook)<br />

C. When they are finished, call on students to share and discuss their answers.<br />

• _<br />

D. Write the words rules and customs on the board. Explain: To be good<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

• _<br />

citizens of the Kingdom of God, we have to choose to follow its rules. Jesus<br />

41<br />

taught us these rules and gave us customs to follow that help us to be<br />

good citizens of the Kingdom of God. The rules are the commandments<br />

Signs of the Kingdom<br />

and other teachings of Jesus on how to love God and our neighbor.<br />

Directions: Think about the Kingdom of God and answer the reflection<br />

The customs are the sacraments that help us live these rules and have<br />

friendship with God. Sin can prevent the Kingdom of God from taking<br />

questions below.<br />

root in our hearts. The rules and customs in the Kingdom of God are<br />

perfect because they are designed to help us be the best we can be and<br />

groups can you think of that form and stay<br />

eventually get to Heaven.<br />

together, by choice?<br />

________________________________________________<br />

The Kingdom of God Assessment DAY 2 > Formative Assessment<br />

______________________________________________<br />

A. On The Kingdom of God Assessment on pg. XX in the Student Workbook,<br />

______________________________________________<br />

discuss the rules and customs of God’s kingdom. Point students to Scripture<br />

passages about the Commandments (Exodus 20:1–17), love of God and<br />

do you think God does not force anyone<br />

neighbor (Matthew 22:34–40), or the corporal works of mercy (Matthew 25:31–46)<br />

to be part of His Kingdom?<br />

42 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

for the rules of the Kingdom, and draw from their knowledge about the<br />

_______________________________________________<br />

sacraments and liturgical-year celebrations for the customs. What is against<br />

the law in God’s Kingdom? Sin, because it destroys the kingdom.<br />

_________________________________________________<br />

B. Allow your student time to fill in the boxes on The Kingdom of God<br />

____________________________________________________<br />

Assessment as you discuss the rules and customs of God’s Kingdom.<br />

are two signs of the Kingdom of God here on earth?<br />

• _ _<br />

_ _<br />

• _ _<br />

_ _<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

41<br />

8 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

9<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

Formative Assessment Worksheet<br />

Day 3<br />

(page ## in the Student Workbook)<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 2<br />

Warm-up<br />

A. Begin with the prayer for this lesson:<br />

The Kingdom of God Assessment<br />

Directions: Fill in the boxes as we discuss the Kingdom of God.<br />

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will<br />

be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us<br />

our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into<br />

The Kingdom of God<br />

temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.<br />

A map of the land: Draw a picture of what you think Heaven looks like.<br />

B. Have students, with a neighbor, take turns sharing an answer to the following prompt:<br />

A map of the land: Students may draw a picture of how they<br />

• Describe a time when you experienced something that was really awesome.<br />

see Heaven alongside a picture of the Church on earth. This<br />

C. After everyone has had a chance to share with a partner, ask your students if the things they<br />

may be depicted in different ways, but help your students to<br />

described were things that they wanted to tell all of their friends and family about after they<br />

understand that the Kingdom of God is not a piece of land.<br />

experienced them. Students will likely answer yes.<br />

D. Explain to your students that the Kingdom of God is so much greater than anything else<br />

that we may experience. Therefore, the Kingdom of God is something we naturally should<br />

want to tell everyone about!<br />

Our laws: What are the laws of the Kingdom of God?<br />

Our laws: The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, love of<br />

God and love of neighbor, service, the Corporal and Spiritual<br />

Works of Mercy.<br />

Our customs and traditions: What are the customs<br />

and traditions of the Kingdom of God?<br />

Our customs and traditions: The Seven Sacraments,<br />

liturgical year celebrations, sacramentals, etc.<br />

42<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

10 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Draft<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


Directions: You are an ambassador of the Kingdom of God. You meet someone<br />

who has never heard of the Kingdom and knows nothing about God. What would<br />

you tell that person about the Kingdom of God? How would you describe the<br />

Kingdom? Write a paragraph of at least five to seven sentences explaining what<br />

you would say.<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Directions: Think about the Kingdom of God and answer the reflection<br />

questions below.<br />

11 When we pray “Thy _____________________________ come,” we are asking the Lord<br />

to help us welcome His Kingdom into our own _____________________________ ,<br />

and also that everyone here on _______________________________ may welcome<br />

the Kingdom of God into their _______________________________ , too.<br />

What should we as ambassadors of the Kingdom do?<br />

21<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Who are examples we can follow as ambassadors of the Kingdom?<br />

31<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Where is the Kingdom of God?<br />

41<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

DAY 3 > Activity<br />

Activity Worksheet<br />

(page ## in the Student Workbook)<br />

A. Recall for your students that in the Lord’s Prayer, we pray: “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will<br />

be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” When we pray this, we are asking the Lord to help us<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

welcome His Kingdom into our hearts, and also that everyone here on earth may welcome<br />

the Kingdom of God into their hearts too.<br />

B. Write the word ambassador on the board. Then, explain to your students that Jesus wants<br />

us to continue His work of bringing people into the Kingdom of God by being ambassadors<br />

Ambassador of the Kingdom<br />

of the Kingdom. An ambassador is someone from one country who goes to live and work<br />

of God<br />

in a foreign country to help the two countries work together. We are ambassadors of God’s<br />

Kingdom when we tell people about God and are good examples for them. The saints are<br />

Directions: You are an ambassador of the Kingdom of God. You meet someone<br />

great examples of the type of ambassadors we are supposed to be!<br />

who has never heard of the Kingdom and knows nothing about God. What would<br />

you tell that person about the Kingdom of God? How would you describe the<br />

Ambassador of the Kingdom C. Have students turn to Ambassador of the Kingdom of God on pg. XX in the<br />

of God<br />

Kingdom? Write a paragraph of at least five to seven sentences explaining what<br />

Student Workbook. Explain to your students that they, too, are ambassadors<br />

you would say.<br />

of the Kingdom of God. What would they share with someone they just met<br />

who did not know about the Kingdom of God? Have them write a five-toseven-sentence<br />

paragraph describing what they would tell this person in this<br />

encounter.<br />

43<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

DAY 3 > Formative Assessment<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

Thy Kingdom Come Assessment<br />

Use Thy Kingdom Come Assessment on pg. XX in the Student Workbook to<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

determine mastery of lesson content.<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

44 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

43<br />

12 Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

Draft<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />


11 When<br />

21<br />

What<br />

31<br />

Who<br />

41<br />

Where<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

Formative Assessment Worksheet<br />

(page ## in the Student Workbook)<br />

Lesson 7 • Day 3<br />

Draft<br />

Thy Kingdom Come Assessment<br />

Directions: Think about the Kingdom of God and answer the reflection<br />

questions below.<br />

we pray “Thy _____________________________ Kingdom come,” we are asking the Lord<br />

to help us welcome His Kingdom into our own _____________________________ hearts ,<br />

and also that everyone here on _______________________________ earth<br />

may welcome<br />

the Kingdom of God into their _______________________________ hearts<br />

, too.<br />

should we as ambassadors of the Kingdom do?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

As ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we should tell others<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

about Jesus and give them an example to follow in His way.<br />

are examples we can follow as ambassadors of the Kingdom?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

The saints are great examples of what it means to be<br />

ambassadors of the Kingdom.<br />

is the Kingdom of God?<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

The Kingdom of God is here on earth, in the hearts of everyone<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

who loves God and follows Jesus’ example.<br />

44<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God<br />

14<br />

Jesus Taught about the Kingdom of God

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