

C-C bond formationOne of the fundamental reactions in Organic chemistryInvolves reaction between a nucleophilic carbon and an electrophilic carbonGenerally,1. Enolate anions,2. Enamines,3. Hydrazones,4. Hetero-atom stabilized anions,5. Organometalic reagents,6. Michel addition,7. Epoxide opening,8. Sigmatropic rearrangement.CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

C-C bond formation

One of the fundamental reactions in Organic chemistry

Involves reaction between a nucleophilic carbon and an electrophilic carbon


1. Enolate anions,

2. Enamines,

3. Hydrazones,

4. Hetero-atom stabilized anions,

5. Organometalic reagents,

6. Michel addition,

7. Epoxide opening,

8. Sigmatropic rearrangement.

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan



By the removal of a proton from a carbon by a Bronsted base.

Enolate anion:

By the removal of a proton from a carbon alpha to a carbonyl group.


Acidity of C-H bond greater than the acidity of conjugate acid of

the base used for deprotonation

pK a of C-H < pK a of BH

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


Formation of enolate depends

Acidity of C-H bond,


The acidity of C-H bond depends on the functional group attached to it.

The order of acidity,

NO 2 > COR > CN > CO 2 R > SO 2 R > SOR > Ph ≈ SR > H > R


Non-nucleophilic base


NH 2

- , Dimsyl anion, Ph3 P - are strong enough to convert ketone to enolate

LDA is a non-nucleophilic strong base


NaH, KH (Advantage: conjugate acid is H 2 )

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


Predominant formation of one of possible two enolate anions

How to control ?

Experimental conditions

Kinetic control

Thermodynamic control

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Kinetic Control

Deprotonation of the most accessible proton

Why ?

Removal of less hindered proton is faster than the removal of more

hindered proton

Ideal contions

Ø Deprotonation is rapid, quantitative & irreversible

Ø Use very strong base: LDA, LiHMDS

Ø Aprotic solvent

Ø Absence of excess ketone

Ø Mostly lithium as the counter ion

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Favoured Conditions

Strong hindered (non-nucleophilic) base such as LDA

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Susceptible to substitution by base

Ester enolates

Use very hindered non nucleophilic base ( Li-isopropylcyclohexyl amide)

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Thermodynamic control

Reversible deprotonation give most stable enolate

Why ?

The stability of C=C bond increases with increasing substitution

Typical condition

Protic solvents allows reversible enolate formation

Example : RO - M + in ROH

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Determination of the composition

By trapping the enolate with an electrophile

CH 3 Li, THF

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Determination of the composition

CH 3 Li, THF

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Enolate anion preparation

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

From Enones

TMS Silyl enol ethers are labile, used as a trapping reagents.

From conjugate (1,4-) additions

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

From Halo Ketones

From reduction of α-halo carbonyls

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Enolate Formation



Why A is major

A is fully conjugated, B is cross conjugated

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Enolate Formation

Ph 3 CLi / DME 28 72

Ph 3 CLi / excess ketone 94 6

Enolate Formation

LDA, DME 1 99

Et3N, DMF 78 22

LDA, THF 0 100

KH, THF 100 0

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Enolate Formation

13 87

In the presence

of excess ketone 84 16

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Alkylation of Enolates

The alkylation of relatively acidic substances such as β-diketones, β-

ketoesters can be carried out in alcohols as a solvent using metal

alkoxides as bases.

Reaction of the enolates with alkyl halides and epoxides


Ø Primary halides & sulphonates, especially allylic & benzylic halides are

most reactive

Ø Secondery halides are react slowly

Ø Tertiary halides give only elimination products

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Alkylation of Enolates

Rate of alkylation increased in more polar solvents

Enolate alkylation: SN 2 , inversion of electrophile stereochemistry

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Alkylation of 4-t-butylcyclohexanone

Electrophile approaches from an “axial” trajectory- chair-like product

“Equatorial approach- higher energy twist-boat conformation

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Alkylation of Enolates

By taking sufficient base & alkylating agent equivalents, we can control

the mono & di-alkylation of methylene group

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Alkylation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyls

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Stork-Danheiser Enone Transposition

Overall γ-alkylation

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Chiral auxilaries

Evans Chiral Auxillaries

Chiral Enolates

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Chiral Enolates

Enantiospecific alkylations

Diastereoselectivity: 92-98%

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Aldol Reaction

Discovered independently by Charles-Adolphe Wurtz and Alexander

Porfyrevich Borodin in 1872

The reaction combines two carbonyl compounds

Forms a new β-hydroxy carbonyl compound.

These products are known as aldols, from the aldehyde + alcohol

β-hydroxy aldehyde

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Aldol Reaction

Counter ion varies the reactivity of the enolates

Reactivity Li + < Na + < K + < R 4 N +

Addition of crown ether increases the reactivity

An equilibrium reaction which can be driven to completion

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Aldol Reaction

In case of hindered enolates, the equilibrium favours reactants.

Mg +2 and Zn +2 counter ions will stabilize the intermediate β-alkoxycarbonyl

and push the equilibrium towards products

M = Li

M = MgBr

16% yield

93% yield

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Aldol Condensation

Dehydration of the intermediate β-alkoxy or β-hydroxy ketone can also

serve to drive the reaction to the right.

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

How to write syn & anti

Write your structure in a zig-zag manner



Put the substituents at the middle carbons

Depending on their relation, you can call them as syn, anti

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Stereoselective Aldol Reactions


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Steroselective Aldol Reactions


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Enolate Geometry

Enolate has two possible geometries

Enolate geometry plays an important role in stereo selection

Genarally Z-enolates usually give a higher degree of stereo selection than


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Zimmerman-Traxler Transition State

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CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


Li + , Mg +2 , Al +3 enolates give comparable levels of diastereoselectivity for

kinetic aldol reactions

Steric influences of enolate subtituents (R 1 & R 2 ) play a dominent role in

kinetic diastereoselection.

When R 1 is the dominent steric influence, then path A proceeds.

If R 2 is the dominent steric influence then path B proceeds

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Noyori Open Transition State Theory

Absence of a binding counterion

Non-chelation aldol reactions proceed via an open transition state to give

syn aldols regardless of enolate geometry.




CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan




CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

NMR Stereochemical Assignment

Coupling constants are measured as the average of various conformations

Syn Aldol

J AB = 2-6 Hz

Anti Aldol

J AB = 1-10 Hz

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Boron Enolates

Alkali & alkaline earth metal enolates tend to be aggregates- complicates

stereoselection models

B-O and B-C bonds are shorter and stronger(more covalent character)

than the corresponding Li-O and Li-C bonds- therefore tighter more

organized transition state.

Boron enolates are monomeric and homogeneous

Preparation :

Boron Enolates

Preparation :

Hooz reaction

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1968, 90, 5936.

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Diastereoselective Aldol Condensation:

Boron Enolates

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Chiral Boron Enolates

1 : 33

(> 99% ee)

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Enolate Oxidation

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Synthesis of Chiral Amino Acids

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Oppolzer Camphor based auxillaries

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Asymmetric Acetate Aldol

Enolate Reaction

Chiral lithium amide bases

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Lewis acid Mediated alkylation of Silyl Enolates- SN 1 like alkylations

Alkylation with

3 o alkyl halide

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

First introduced by Gilbert stork



Gives product from kinetic enolization

cannot become coplannar

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


Chiral enamines

Imines- isoelectronic with ketones

ee 87-99%

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

E= CH 3 , Et, Pr,

PhCH 2 , allyl

Isoelectronic with ketones


More reactive than corresponding aldehyde and ketone enolate

Drawback: Can be difficult to hydrolyze

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Chiral Hydrazones

Asymmetric alkylations

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Chiral Hydrazones

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Aldol Condensation : Chiral Auxilaries

Li + enolates give poor selectivity (1:1)

Boron and tin enolates give much improved selectivity

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CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Mukaiyama-Aldol Reaction

Silyl enol ethers as an enolate precursors.

Lewis acid promoted condensation of silyl ketene acetals (ester enolate

equiv.) with aldehydes

Proceeds through open transition state to give anti aldols (predominantly)

starting from either E- or Z- enolates

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Not favoured

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Asymmetric Mukaiyama-Aldol Reaction

anti : syn =93 :7


R = Ph % de = 90 anti : syn = 91 : 19


Pr 85 94 : 6


Pr 85 98 : 2


R = i Pr % de = 87 anti : syn = 97 : 7

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Mukaiyama-Jhonson Aldol Reaction

Lewis acid promoted condensation of silyl enol ethers with acetals

Fluoride promoted alkylation of silyl enol ethers

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Meyer’s Oxazolines

R= n Pr




%ee (anti)=77 anti:syn=91:9

84 95:5

79 94:6

Anti-Aldols by Indirect Methods

Anti Aldol


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Anti-Aldols by Indirect Methods

Anti Aldol





CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Syn Aldols by Indirect Methods

Michael Addition


1,4-addition of an enolate to α-β-unsaturated carbonyl


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CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Addition to carbonyl compounds

Nucleophilic addition is a fundamental reaction of carbonyl compounds

Nucleophilic addition to a prochiral carbonyl group will give two


Addition of an achiral nucleophilic to a prochiral carbonyl group having

a chiral center will lead to two diastereomers

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Addition to carbonyl compounds

Addition of an chiral nucleophilic having a chiral center to a prochiral

carbonyl group having a chiral center, then it will lead to four possible


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Cram’s rule

When a keto group is attached to a chiral centre, then do the following

Look at size of the atoms or groups attached to adjacent carbon of the


Assign S, M, L for small, medium, large group respectively

Draw the Newman projection in such a way that it is flanked by the

small and medium groups

Then the nucleophile co-ordinates with the oxygen atom and attack

along the small group side

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan


CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Felkin-Anh model

Cram’s rule doesn’t give quantitative assignment


Keep the (R-C=O) perpendicular to the largest group or the most

electron-withdrawing group

Now the nucleophile will attach the carbonyl group near the small group

Nu -

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Chiral centre with an α-co-ordinating atom

If we have –OH, -SH, NH 2 or –OMe etc., attached to α-carbon then

Cram’s chelate model works

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Electronegative group on α-carbon

Keep the electronegative group opposite to carbonyl group to avoid the

dipole repulsion

CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

Prelog’s rule

Deals & predicts the formation of major isomer of addition of grignard

reagent to α-keto esters

Favored attack

Draw the a-keto ester as above

Keep the large group in the plane and also towards carbonyl side

Now the Grignard reagent will preferably attack from the side as small

group ‘S’

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CH-588: Organic Synthesis Course Slides. Instructor: Krishna P. Kaliappan

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