Debtfree Issue 202401 - DB

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<strong>Issue</strong> 01 of 20247 THINGS<br />






WELL<br />

– John W. Gardner



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Well, after a nice break we have started the year<br />

strong. The team here at <strong>Debtfree</strong> have thrown<br />

themselves into all the projects we have planned<br />

for this year. It’s great to make plans and then start<br />

to work on them straight away.<br />

This year, we intend to bring you more content than ever<br />

before, across more platforms than ever before, and more<br />

regularly than ever before. We are excited about that. We hope<br />

that it will be even more helpful to you than ever before, as you<br />

navigate the months ahead.<br />

Let’s be honest, the months ahead may present challenges. We<br />

may see volatility in the US Stock Markets which could have a<br />

knock-on effect elsewhere. We may see further conflicts in the<br />

Middle East, Europe or Asia. We certainly will see more political<br />

manoeuvring locally, but you should not let that stress you out<br />

and cause you to doubt your plans.<br />

After all, if you can follow through on your plans during the<br />

tough times, think how you will take off and succeed, when<br />

things get easier in the future. So, if you are holding back<br />

because of unknown future obstacles, don’t!

If you have been trying to deal with runaway debt on your own,<br />

and have made little progress, then we urge you, speak to a<br />

professional and get help, do it and do it soon. Debt tends to get<br />

worse the longer you leave it. Every step in the right direction<br />

is a mini victory. Surely, it is better to be making progress in the<br />

general direction of your goal than doing nothing about it at<br />

all. Even if you take 99 steps towards your goal and don’t get to<br />

take that final step this year… well, you will have made reaching<br />

your goal so much easier in the future.<br />

Focus on what you can control, and keep taking steps in a<br />

positive direction. Who knows, if you take enough of these<br />

steps, you may turn around later in the year and see that you<br />

have made more progress than you could have imagined.<br />

Progress can sneak up on you. If you need to make 60<br />

payments to get out of debt, then make the first 12 this year,<br />

that moves you considerably closer. If you need to make 48<br />

payments, make the next 12. Stick to the plan, and keep making<br />

progress.<br />

Only 24 payments to go? Amazing!!! Make the next 12 payments<br />

and then after a few more months you will look back and before<br />

you know it, you will have reached your destination to become<br />

totally debt free.

FROM THE<br />

DESK<br />




• Combination of high interest<br />

rates, inflation and poor growth<br />

impacted disposable incomes<br />

• Despite pressures positive<br />

signs that more consumers are<br />

addressing burdensome credit<br />

• This year’s National Debt<br />

Awareness Month theme is<br />

financial sustainability

Last year was amongst the most financially difficult South African<br />

consumers have endured since democracy, with high inflation<br />

and interest rates and a straitened economy combining to erode<br />

disposable incomes.<br />

Rising food, electricity and fuel prices drove inflation, with the<br />

Reserve Bank countering by increasing and sustaining interest rates<br />

which are now 475 basis points higher than in 2020. Crippling levels<br />

of loadshedding constrained meaningful economic growth and<br />

consequently salary increases.<br />

The average interest rate for a bond grew from 8.3% per annum in Q4<br />

2020 to 12.3% by Q4 2023. Average interest rates for unsecured debt<br />

are now at an eight-year high of 25,6%.<br />

Against this backdrop DebtBusters’ Q4 2023 Debt Index found that<br />

debt counselling enquiries increased by 46% and demand for online<br />

debt management was up 54% compared to the same period the<br />

previous year. Full-year debt counselling enquiries grew by 39%<br />

compared to 2022, pointing to an acceleration in the final quarter of<br />

2023.<br />

The release of the data coincided with National Debt Awareness<br />

Month, in February. The theme this year is financial sustainability to<br />

acknowledge the pro-active steps so many South Africans have taken<br />

to put themselves on a better financial path.<br />

Benay Sager, executive head of DebtBusters, says that while the<br />

combination of high inflation, interest rates and poor economic<br />

performance had negatively impacted disposable income, the fact<br />

that more people are seeking help to manage debt is positive.

“The increasing use of online debt-management tools indicates<br />

consumers are being more pro-active about debt - before it gets<br />

out of control. The data also points to more people considering debt<br />

counselling as an effective way to deal with debt in a high-interest<br />

environment”.<br />

Under debt counselling rates for unsecured debt can be renegotiated<br />

from 25,6% to ~2,6%. This allows consumers to pay back expensive<br />

debt quicker. Interest on vehicle-debt and balloon payments, which<br />

average 15.6%, can also be negotiated down and the period extended.<br />

The Debt Index also found that Q4 was the second quarter in a<br />

row that the median debt-to-annual-income ratio had declined,<br />

although at 106% it is still high. This indicates that consumers are still<br />

experiencing the effects of the interest rate increases that began in<br />

November 2021 and remain elevated.<br />

“Virtually everyone, 95%, of those who applied for debt counselling<br />

during the quarter had a personal loan and 24% a short-term loan.<br />

This indicates that consumers are supplementing their income with<br />

short-term loans and personal loans have become a lifeline for<br />

many,” says Sager.<br />

Compared to 2016, when DebtBusters began collecting and analysing<br />

the data, consumers who applied for debt counselling in Q4 2023<br />

had:<br />

• Thirty nine percent less purchasing power. Although nominal<br />

incomes were 1% higher than seven years ago, when cumulative<br />

inflation of 40% is considered, in real terms spending power is<br />

down 39%.

• A higher debt-service burden: On average, before entering debt<br />

counselling, consumers spend 62% of their take-home pay to<br />

service debt. Those making R35 000 or more per month use<br />

71% of their income to repay debts. The debt-to-income ratio<br />

for the top income bands is 131% for those earning R20 000 per<br />

month and 171% for people taking home R35 000 or more. For<br />

these income bands the ratios are at or close to the highest-ever<br />

levels.<br />

• Unsustainably high levels of unsecured debt: Unsecured debt<br />

is, on average, 32% higher than in 2016. For those taking home<br />

more than R35 000 a month it is 42% higher. Although this is par<br />

with inflation, it shows that in the absence of meaningful salary<br />

increases, consumers are supplementing their income with<br />

unsecured debt.<br />

Sager says that the subscriber base for free online debt-management<br />

tools increased by 82% in 2023 compared the previous year. Given<br />

this interest in pro-actively managing debt DebtBusters has added a<br />

Debt Sustainability Indicator to the tools it offers. This calculates the<br />

proportion of income being used to repay debt and offers practical<br />

tips on how to make it more sustainable.<br />

“We’re focussing on financial sustainability this National Debt<br />

Awareness Month, to encourage more people to deal with their credit<br />

situation before it becomes a debt problem.”



A confirmatory affidavit is a legal way to say you<br />

know about, and agree with the plan that has<br />

been given to the courts for your debt review.<br />

Attorney Rynhardt De Lange of DL Attorneys<br />

says: “when you have your confirmatory affidavit<br />

commissioned, it is important that you make sure<br />

each page is initialled. Sign the last page in the<br />

presence of the commissioner of oaths.”<br />

Tip: The commissioner will stamp the document<br />

to confirm that it has been legally verified. Make<br />

sure their full details are recorded on the affidavit.


7 THINGS<br />



WHAT IS A<br />






LEAVE<br />

NEWS<br />


<strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine considers its sources reliable and verifies as<br />

much information as possible. However, reporting inaccuracies<br />

can occur, consequently readers using this information do so<br />

at their own risk. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine makes content available<br />

with the understanding that the publisher is not rendering legal<br />

services or financial advice. Although persons and companies<br />

mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither<br />

<strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine nor any of its employees, sales executives<br />

or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for their<br />

activities. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine contains material supplied to<br />

us by advertisers which does not necessarily reflect the views<br />

and opinions of the <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine team. No person,<br />

organization or party can copy or re-produce the content<br />

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without a written consent from the editors’ panel and the<br />

author of the content, as applicable. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine,<br />

authors and contributors reserve their rights with regards to<br />

copyright of their work.

7 THINGS<br />





HELP YOU<br />

Dealing with debt can be super<br />

stressful. It can lead to sleepless<br />

nights, chest pains and constant<br />

pressure from collections agents.<br />

For many, the solution has been to enter debt<br />

review. This is because it is a legal way to get<br />

credit providers to play nice, and give you a<br />

realistic amount of time to pay what you owe.<br />

Here are 7 things debt review can do for you.


A PLAN CAN<br />


When you are overwhelmed by debt<br />

and caught in the debt collections<br />

process you stress day and night.<br />

You know that you need to do<br />

something about the situation, but<br />

your efforts just don’t seem to work.<br />

Many people turn to more debt, thinking that<br />

they can somehow dig a deeper hole and it<br />

will help, but that’s a short term solution. One<br />

that simply makes matters worse.<br />

When the end of the month is coming and<br />

you know all your lines of credit are tapped<br />

out, family and friends will no longer lend you<br />

more money and no credit provider wants<br />

to touch you, it can be crushing. You feel<br />

trapped with no way out.<br />

This is where entering debt review can provide<br />

instant relief. Just the knowledge that you<br />

finally have found a way forward, and one<br />

where you get help from a professional, is a<br />

massive weight off your shoulders.



CALLS<br />

When you owe money to credit<br />

providers and can’t pay what they<br />

want, they can really tighten the<br />

screws. SMS’, calls, emails, letters,<br />

you name it, they will do it.<br />

It can be tiring to avoid phone calls, be scared<br />

to open letters or even hide your car at a<br />

neighbours’ house just in case the repo man<br />

comes around.<br />

The reason why the mental pressure is so<br />

intense, is because it is designed to be that way.<br />

Your credit providers have had decades (even<br />

centuries) getting it right, they know how to<br />

apply the pressure.

The problems is, when you owe multiple<br />

people, and they all want their money at the<br />

same time, it is mathematically impossible to<br />

make them all happy.<br />

When you enter debt review, the Debt<br />

Counsellor will send notices to all your credit<br />

providers, telling them to stop freaking out<br />

and pestering you. You are now making a plan<br />

through debt review to pay what you owe.<br />

This results in an immediate decrease in<br />

pressure and an eventual stop in the collections<br />

process. It means, no more collections calls, no<br />

more harassing sms’ and emails. Just entering<br />

the process can see a 95% reduction in these<br />

calls in the first week or two.<br />

It is like someone turned off a noisy generator<br />

that had been on in the same room with you,<br />

and suddenly you have peace for the first time<br />

in ages.<br />

It’s amazing.<br />

And for those last few collections calls that<br />

could still come through from time to time,<br />

you have the beautiful catch phrase: “Talk to<br />

my Debt Counsellor”.


A REAL<br />

BUDGET<br />

We all know we should budget, but it is hard. Especially<br />

when you simply do not have enough to pay your debt<br />

and cover your living costs. This is why we get stuck<br />

relying on credit, and spiralling into more and more<br />

debt.<br />

As a result, making a budget was probably something you hated<br />

to do. Once you enter debt review, your Debt Counsellor will go<br />

through your particular situation and try find a balance between what<br />

your credit providers want, and what your family really needs.<br />

The idea is to make sure you can realistically cover the necessities<br />

(not luxuries of course). This would include all the things that you<br />

probably had to cut out of budgets in the past to try make ends meet.<br />

That would be things like; saving for annual expenses, paying for<br />

things like car and TV licenses and having needed insurance.<br />

Just knowing that a professional is going to give you a realistic figure<br />

that can work, is massive. It may mean a few changes to your lifestyle<br />

but having professional, experienced help is a huge relief.



NEEDED<br />


When you are in a debt crisis it can<br />

be paralysing. You might know<br />

that changes are needed but you<br />

probably don’t even have the budget<br />

or the leeway to put some of those<br />

changes in place.<br />

Instead, you end up just cutting things out.<br />

Never doing more, always doing less. Less<br />

food, less insurance, less of everything.<br />

That is a terrible way to live. It leaves you<br />

trapped in a shrinking cage with no room to<br />

make improvements. No mental bandwidth to<br />

do new things, or even to try new things.

You end up falling into bed for another<br />

sleepless night, exhausted at the end of every<br />

day. Too tired to do what you know in your<br />

heart is needed.<br />

Entering debt review can be a mental (and<br />

emotional) fresh start. It can enable you to have<br />

more energy, more mental bandwidth, and<br />

more financial freedom to start to make the<br />

needed changes you have not been able to.<br />

That may be moving homes, starting a side<br />

hustle for extra cash, or maybe just getting<br />

back into doing a little exercise each day.<br />

It provides a fresh chance to do more for a<br />

change, not less. To breath, to think, to plan<br />

and have hope.


SAVE<br />


The idea of saving anything when you are deep in debt<br />

is a foreign concept. You simply cannot afford to save<br />

anything. Which is why, when annual expenses like a<br />

car service or school uniforms rolls around, you have<br />

to reach once more for the credit card.<br />

And that’s not to mention when an emergency comes along. An<br />

unplanned medical emergency or a cracked windscreen or burst tyre.<br />

And they just seem to happen more and more, it can be crushing.<br />

When you enter debt review, your Debt Counsellor helps you to make<br />

a budget. Part of that budget will be setting aside some funds each<br />

month towards expected annual expenses, as well as the unexpected.<br />

Soon you will have a small amount set aside to use when those<br />

expenses come around. It is amazing how relieving it can be to see<br />

that small savings amount grow to match your coming expenses.


PEACE OF<br />

MIND<br />

We all want to provide for our family. That is often why<br />

we end up in debt in the first place. To give them a place<br />

to stay, to provide transport to school and put food on<br />

the table.<br />

When credit dries up, and the collections agents start calling, all that<br />

is at risk. We could lose our homes, our cars, our ability to care for our<br />

family.<br />

This is why entering debt review can totally turn things around for our<br />

family’s future. It not only helps protect our assets, but you get help<br />

with budgeting, you get advice on saving, you have time and space to<br />

make needed changes.<br />

Knowing that your debt repayments are now going to be what you can<br />

realistically handle each month (normally much lower instalments over<br />

a longer time period), means that you have enough money to cover<br />

what your family needs: School clothes, school books, doctor’s visits,<br />

insurance, even just enough good food and a safe place to stay.<br />

This provides real peace of mind.



DEBT<br />

Before entering debt review, living in<br />

debt was probably your reality. You<br />

probably never thought that there<br />

might be any other option.<br />

When you do not have enough money and<br />

still have to pay creditors, the truth is that you<br />

might never actually get out of debt. Each<br />

month you might pay some of your debt but<br />

then almost immediately make new debt. As a<br />

result, you were trapped as a debt slave with<br />

no hope of ever breaking the cycle.<br />

Debt review can change all that. With<br />

professional advice and the help of the law<br />

and courts, you can have a plan that will take<br />

you from deep in debt to being debt free.<br />

Imagine that: having no debt at all!

Almost no one knows what that feels like.<br />

Most people will be in debt for the rest of their<br />

lives, but you have a chance to become totally<br />

debt free. To owe no one anything at all.<br />

And every month while you are in the process,<br />

people around you (even family and friends)<br />

will keep digging themselves deeper and<br />

deeper into trouble while you steadily make<br />

your way out.<br />

This is truly an amazing benefit of debt review.<br />

Sure, it will take time and dedication but it is<br />

the light at the end of the tunnel, the pot of<br />

gold at the end of the rainbow, it is the chance<br />

of a lifetime that will turn your financial future<br />

around like nothing else ever could.

YOU CAN<br />

DO IT!<br />

Debt review is not easy but it is also not impossible.<br />

Hundreds of thousands of people have used the<br />

process to get out of debt and you can to.<br />

If you would like to hear from some of the people who have<br />

successfully completed the process then you can check out this<br />

podcast which is all about debt review success:<br />

www.debtreviewwithdummies.co.za<br />

There are interviews with all sorts of people like:<br />

• A Hard Working Single Mom<br />

• A High Profile Businessman<br />

• A Radio DJ<br />

• Someone who fell for the “get out of debt review scams”<br />

• Someone who took a really long time in debt review<br />

• Someone who started a new job and things didn’t work out<br />

Their success stories show that anyone can complete debt review<br />

if they just stick with the process and work closely with their Debt<br />

Counsellor.<br />

Why not give the podcast a listen and see how they did it?

WHAT IS A<br />



& WHY IS IT<br />





When you enter debt review you<br />

will eventually be asked to sign a<br />

confirmatory affidavit and have it<br />

commissioned.<br />

If you don’t get this document commissioned<br />

and sent back to your attorneys your entire<br />

debt review will fall apart.<br />

But what is this affidavit and why is it so<br />



WHAT<br />

IS IT?<br />

A confirmatory affidavit is a legal<br />

document that confirms the<br />

authenticity of a statement or fact<br />

made by an individual. They are used<br />

in many legal matters.<br />

In a debt review matter, the confirmatory<br />

affidavit says (or confirms) that you:<br />

1. Did ask the Debt Counsellor for help<br />

through debt review (you want to be in<br />

debt review), and<br />

2. Agree with the debt restructuring proposal<br />

(the repayment plan) that has been<br />

created for you, and<br />

3. Agree with the things the Debt Counsellor<br />

has said about your matter (like info about<br />

your budget and why you are having<br />

challenges) and the plan.<br />

This document will be added to the court<br />

documents that are submitted on your behalf.


WHY IS IT<br />


If this document is not there on the day the matter is<br />

heard, the Magistrate or Judge will not want to grant<br />

your court order.<br />

The courts do not want to accidentally put someone under debt review<br />

who does not actually want to sort out their debts.<br />

They also want to make things as easy for people as possible. This is<br />

why they ask for this form instead of asking you to travel to court and<br />

sit there for hours waiting to tell them in person.<br />

If the court matter is heard and the affidavit is missing, the magistrate<br />

can throw the matter out of court and this can cause a lot of trouble.<br />

Some of your credit providers might think you do not actually want to<br />

go through with the debt review, and will start new legal action against<br />

you to collect their money.<br />

This is why you need to get the affidavit:<br />

1. signed and<br />

2. commissioned and returned to your attorneys ASAP!



A confirmatory affidavit is a legal way to say you<br />

know about and agree with the plan that has<br />

been given to the courts for your debt review.<br />

Attorney Justin van der Linde of VDL Attorneys<br />

says: “The easiest and quickest way to get the<br />

document commissioned is to approach an<br />

attorney, some duly appointed traditional healers,<br />

a Sheriff or certain members of the SAPS at the<br />

local police station”.<br />

TIP: Don’t print the confirmatory document on<br />

back to back sides of the same page. The courts<br />

don’t like that. Rather, print each page of the<br />

document on its own piece of paper. You can<br />

save the forests later.




South African consumers sighed in relief (and disappointment)<br />

in January 2024 as the SA Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy<br />

Committee unanimously decided to hold interest rates<br />

steady.<br />

This leaves the current Repo Rate at a 14 year high.<br />

While this is not exactly good news and offers no relief to<br />

those with lots of credit, it is not an increase, which might<br />

tip many people over the edge, resulting in them losing their<br />

assets.<br />

The MPC were quick to point out that although inflation<br />

has normalised within their target range, it remains on the<br />

upper side of their target and they feel that waiting longer<br />

may help. Another factor was the recent snafu with the ports<br />

and rail system across SA.<br />

It is possible that reduced loadshedding and lower petrol<br />

prices over the year end were contributing factors, and as<br />

these look to ramp up in the next few months, the MPC will<br />

keep an eye on things to see if they can finally start to cut<br />

rates a little.<br />

If you think the repo rate is high, check out what is happening<br />

in Nigeria HERE. Their Central Bank is about to push their<br />

repo rate to a whopping 22.75%.


After spiking over R19/Dollar recently the Rand has now<br />

settled down back below this important threshold.<br />

The drop followed the recent SARB Monetary Policy<br />

Committee announcement about not changing the Repo<br />

Rate. With the Repo Rate holding steady for the near future,<br />

this has brought some clarity to the market and the Rand<br />

reacted accordingly.<br />

Other factors like countries harbour and freight issues, the<br />

drastic drop in coal exports via Richards Bay, the ongoing<br />

high levels of organised crime and upcoming election chaos<br />

will likely have some negative effects on the Rands value in<br />

the months ahead. This in turn may influence fuel costs and<br />

push up transportation costs.<br />

At the same time, the US has their fair share of ongoing issues<br />

and this is just as big a factor in the equation.<br />

1 year ago the Rand was at R17/Dollar



International Ratings Agencies like Moody’s, S&P and Fitch<br />

offer insights into the credit worthiness of various institutions,<br />

companies and even sovereign debt and bonds. For example,<br />

in August last year, Fitch Ratings downgraded the ratings<br />

of the US stating there has been a steady deterioration in<br />

standards of governance in the USA.<br />

Since these ratings are often used by investors to inform their<br />

decisions, negative ratings or downgrades can cause nervous<br />

investors to look elsewhere.<br />

The most famous ratings agencies are: Moody’s Service, S&P<br />

Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings. They use slightly different<br />

scales, but all 3 use an alphabetical scale where AAA is the<br />

highest rating and C (or D) are the lowest. They often use a +<br />

or – to indicate sub-levels and publicise a positive or negative<br />

outlook pointing to future increases or lowering of ratings.<br />

Many African states have been hit by lowered ratings recently.<br />

In the first 6 months of last year, 11 African countries got hit<br />

with 13 negative ratings decisions. The causes are many, and<br />

the ratings agencies hold fast to their ratings and how they<br />

came to them.<br />

Now the African Union say they want to create a better,<br />

more understanding, more insightful credit rating agency to<br />

provide better ratings that take more information and more<br />

factors into account than these long established international<br />

ratings agencies. It is likely to be called the African Credit<br />

Rating Agency or ACRA.



A massive data breach involving more than 26 Billion records<br />

has been reported.<br />

Researchers found the stolen records on an unsecured<br />

website, and found that the records contain information from<br />

major apps such as Twitter, Weibo, MySpace, LinkedIn, Adobe<br />

and others. Information in the leak is said to also contain<br />

government organisation data from the US, Brazil, Germany,<br />

Philippines and Turkey.<br />

It has been described as the Mother of all Breaches (MOAB).<br />

While the info does not immediately let crooks access your<br />

bank accounts, it can be enough for them to start tricking<br />

you, or others into giving them access to more and more<br />

sensitive information.<br />

Consumer should be on the look out for sneaky emails asking<br />

you to log in to accounts or to click on links. These types<br />

of attacks can be made to look legitimate by using some<br />

information from such data leaks. They may quote account<br />

numbers or mention information the crooks have learned<br />

about you in the data breach.<br />

Many passwords were contained in the data. So, if you tend<br />

to use the same passwords across multiple platforms or apps<br />

it might be time to consider an update.


Confirmatory Affidavits<br />

A confirmatory affidavit is a legal way to say you<br />

know about and agree with the plan that has been<br />

given to the courts for your debt review.<br />

Quintin Zimmerman of Liddles Attorneys<br />

says that “as a debt review attorney, the greatest<br />

frustration we experience in expeditiously issuing<br />

debt review court applications is the delay in<br />

obtaining the original confirmatory affidavits from<br />

consumers”.<br />

TIP: Sign the confirmatory affidavit in black pen. The<br />

courts like that. This is not the time to get artistic.

No more debt-stress.<br />

Let’s get it sorted.<br />

We’ll get your interest rates right down. You’ll<br />

make one consolidated payment a month. You’ll<br />

have more cash to live on. Your assets will be<br />

legally protected. Sorted.<br />

0861 365 910<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />



POWER COMES...<br />

great responsibility<br />

a huge electricity bill

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