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There were too many people around. Too much laughing. Everyone

walking in every direction, and Ella and I had no destination, no purpose,

sitting ducks to get caught in the worst kind of lie.

We kept it light. She showed off her ring. People I barely knew

congratulated and hugged me. We made excuses about our secrecy,

claiming it all happened so fast, we forgot the basics.

My mother always seemed nearby, with or without Dad, reminding me

that I’d lied to her and would have to continue lying or hurt her more.

Liam, my younger brother by four years, walked toward us with his

three-year-old son, Matt. over his shoulder.

“Liam,” I muttered to her. “Be ready.”


I’d briefed her on my family, telling her as much as I could, but

suddenly, I knew it wasn’t enough.

“Logan!” Liam said, free hand extended. Matt rested his head on his

father’s shoulder, thumb lodged in his mouth. “I just heard!”

“Sorry about the secrecy.” I shook his hand, lying, lying, lying.

“You must be the newly-minted Mrs. Crowne,” he said.

“Papillion,” she said as she accepted his handshake. “Ella Papillion.”

“She won’t change her name,” I grumbled. “It wasn’t my preference.”

But it’ll be easier to get divorced in a year.

“What’s your secret?” Liam asked her.

“Pardon me?” She put her hand to her chest, exposing the ring.

“How did you get him to look up from his precious P&L statements?”

She smiled and took my hand, leaning into me as if we were in love.

“He was pretty good at getting my attention.”

I felt her looking at me with a smitten smile. The pressure of the

falsehood pushed against a newly-awoken conscience, forcing me to

counter with a frown. “I bought her a coffee. And jewelry. So it was easy.”

“Logan!” She shoved me as if I’d been joking, which I wasn’t. I was

only lying.

Liam laughed, but there was no light in his eyes. He’d seen the vein of

cruelty in my attempt at humor

“Who’s this handsome fellow?” Ella asked, craning to face the boy.

“Are you the Matt I’ve heard so much about?”

He nodded, eyes drooping.

“He’s wrecked,” Liam said. “Big night, and it’s past bedtime.”

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