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fluids seeped out of me.

I hiked up my dress before it got ruined, lowered my trashed

underpants, and sat on the toilet, in the first quiet moment since Logan had

broken the post-sex haze with three words.

That meant nothing.

He’d been right, and he’d been right to repeat what we’d agreed. I’d

needed the reminder that we were strangers and we had a deal to be no

more than friends. If it meant something, we wouldn’t be able to split up.

We’d be messy and expensive. All the benefits of the arrangement could be

compromised by the wrong emotions.

That meant nothing.

Except the best sex I’d ever had.

I cleaned up, straightened out my gown, and was fixing my makeup in

the mirror when I heard voices from the other side of the door.

“Just want to make sure you’re happy.”

That was Mrs. Crowne, my mother-in-law.

“I am happy,” Logan responded softly, though his voice echoed in the

huge room.

“It’s just so sudden.”

“Not to me, it’s not.”

“I told your father you’d feel pressured. I said, ‘Hold off but don’t tell

him why.’ I said, ‘Let him find someone in his own time.’ But he went and

told you boys everything in his head.”

“Mom, I don’t care about the succession. I could marry her now or in

ten years, she’s still the one, okay?”

“Don’t you think…?”

They must have walked away. I had to put my ear to the door to hear


“Me on this. I didn’t know it, but I was waiting for her, and when I

finally found her, my life… everything added up. She’s… she’s the gravity

that keeps my feet on the floor. The elevator that lifts me up.”

The utter terribleness of that line aside, that was a lot from a guy who

had no feelings for me.

His mother’s response got lost in the white noise created by the paperthin

space between my ear and the door, as did his. Then I heard heels on

the hard floors.

I counted to five, and when I heard nothing, I opened the door.

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