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“Haven’t tested it without a condom. But it’s the best birth control out

there. Look it up.”

“Abstinence is better,” he said, grabbing the red pen.

Next to the clause about the children, he wrote To Be Decided under my

red line, initialed in black, then slid the contract and pen back to me.

“You first,” he said as if asking me to take off my clothes before he did.

I stood on the edge of the roof with options disappearing behind me and

signed my name, articulating every letter so it was clear who I was and

what was important to me. When I was done, I handed Logan the pen.

Without hesitation, he quickly looped his signature with a huge C at the last

name, dated it, and tossed down the pen.

“We should go,” he said, folding the pages. “You ready?”

We had hours until lunch, but why postpone the inevitable by living

inside a skin you knew you were going to shed?

The net was too far down to see, but it was time to jump.


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