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“Anyone else would give me a song and dance about the ‘sanctity of

marriage.’ Or that their whole lives, they dreamed of their wedding day to

some Prince Charming, blah blah. You’re worried about getting caught.”

“That makes us compatible because we’re equally immoral?”

“We’re surprising. Unexpected.”

“We’re not a movie!” If I sounded frustrated, it was because my dealbreaker

was his dealmaker. How did you get past that?

“Have you met people?” he asked. “They’re worse than a movie. My

brother got a woman smart enough to do better but picked him anyway. You

see it all the time. Mandy? What about Mandy and that fucking—”

“Ugh! Renaldo!”

“Total slimeball.”

I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. Logan laughed. When I picked

my head up, I must have been a sight, because he laughed harder.

“Now you tell me,” Logan said. “Does that couple make sense? Did

Mandy dream of hooking up with a philandering—”



“I’m going to scream into this pillow again.”

“She didn’t fantasize about a guy like that, but we believe it. They’re

not convincing in spite of being wrong…”

“They’re convincing because it’s so, so wrong.”

He tapped the tip of my nose. It was a shockingly intimate gesture,

touching me then pulling back into his own space, but I didn’t jerk away or

flinch. My body was okay with him.

“And think how easy the divorce is,” he said. “Everyone gets to say ‘I

knew it,’ and ‘I told you so.’ We’ll be surrounded by psychics who aren’t

surprised by anything.”

“How are you going to make them buy you being in love with me in the

first place? We have to show up places together. You know how people in

love act. It’s disgusting.”

“I can act. Can you?”

“Acting and faking it are two totally different things. As soon as you

kiss the bride, it’s going to be obvious it’s the first time.”

He tried to put away his smile, but the corners of his mouth wouldn’t

obey. Even when he tried to obfuscate with a sip of tea, he was irritatingly

bemused. “Is that all, Ella?”

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