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difference? I wouldn’t be here. There wouldn’t be a Crowne at the helm and

then what?”

“I guess we’d all survive.” He shrugged. “Would you?”

I’d live. My blood would flow and my lungs would fill with air. But that

wasn’t what he was asking me. Obviously, I’d survive, but without Ella, I

wouldn’t be alive.

“Logan,” Dad said, leaning forward. “Son. You’re a Crowne, but you

aren’t Crowne Industries. Do you understand me? Piping oil to customers

isn’t the whole of who you are. It’s not enough.”

Was that how he saw what we did? Just getting fuel to people who

needed it?

No. That wasn’t what he was saying. He’d made this point before, but

for the first time in my life, I heard it. He wasn’t talking about the company

or the Crowne legacy.

He was talking about me, and the family, and what held us all together.

Love. History. The stories we told and the mountains we climbed

together. Ella was a part of that, and when I’d chased her out of the room,

she’d been shut out of more than my life.

“I’m ready,” I said. “For my One Big Thing.”

“What’s that?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s not money, or an object.” I cleared my throat. “I want you and

Mom to forgive Ella. I don’t care if you ever forgive me, but she loves you

guys, and I want you to bring her back into the family, no questions asked.”

“That’s it?”

“I know a big check would be easier, but the OBT is guaranteed, and it’s

what I want.”

“I’ll have to talk to your mother.”

Mom didn’t need any convincing, but he wouldn’t agree on her behalf

any more than admit he was the one holding a grudge.

“You do that.”

He stood and stopped before turning to leave. “You’re sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure about anything.”

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