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“My place on Echo. The GAC is on, baby. We’re ready-set.”


Amilcar grabbed the phone. “Bring your ass over here before this

knucklehead opens his mouth on cellular.”

He was always the paranoid one, and rightly so.

“Okay,” I said, finally awake enough to put my feet on the floor.


I’d had the cab stop at the liquor store on the way. I picked up a bottle of

vodka and a bag of lemons, then ran back in for ice.

They always needed more ice.

The little house hummed with music and the laughter and chatter of a

few dozen people.

Did I know everyone? Or were there new people?

I walked up to the porch with my loot, and through the door, hoping for

no more than a celebration. But I got more than that. I was greeted with

exultation and embraces from friends who had known me when I didn’t

even know myself.

I was home.

“This pendejo”—Liddy filled the wet shot glasses from the pitcher with

one hand and flicked the other in Amilcar’s direction—“had a bug so deep

in his ass like, ‘We have to show Fance, man. She always has these ideas.’

And I was like, ‘Nah-nah, leave her alone.’”

We snapped up the glasses of lemon drop.

“And I did so, what are you complaining about?” Amilcar said.

“To complaining!” I cried.

Seven—maybe six—maybe a dozen and a half glasses clicked mine.

The drink slid down my throat as I swayed. There was a puddle on the

table, and the room shifted back and forth like a dinghy on the ocean.

“Fuck, I missed you guys.” I side-hugged Irma, who was sitting next to

me. “And I’m so happy you’re still wrecking shit. We need to toast.” I

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