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Logan and I were on opposite sides of a dinghy in the middle of the ocean

with no land in sight. The boat was sinking and we were looking for holes,

but there were none on either side. It was sealed tight and sinking anyway.

Just as I thought to look away from my end to check for a hole under the

center bench, a chime rang so loudly, I thought God was calling.

The phone was on the pillow, right by my ear. I fumbled for it, clearing

my eyes to see who was calling.

Amilcar. I answered to the sound of people laughing, shouting, and



“You sleeping?”

“Was.” Out the window, the western sky was the deep dark blue of

sunset. “What’s going on?”

You and Logan are having an amicable breakup.

I covered my eyes. Crying in front of Amilcar wasn’t going to go over


“She’s sleeping!” he called to the room.

“Damn!” Liddy said. I heard him take the phone. “Lady of leisure.”

Not for much longer.

“You know how it is.”

“I do, Fance.”

My old name. Before star. Before everything.

“She coming or not?” A woman’s voice from the room. Maybe Irma.

“Where?” I asked, getting my elbows under me. My brain was awake,

but my legs hadn’t gotten the memo.

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