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“You’re in luck.” I craned my neck to check out the towering, brightlylit

billboard. Obviously, no one had ponied up the money to buy an ad. The

plywood was visible between three huge stripes of shredded white paper. It

looked like a jar with the label half peeled off. “We’re between last month’s

deodorant and next month’s action movie. Reduced guilt vandalism.”

Brightly-colored spray paint had a single, basic use as far as I was

concerned. But Logan wasn’t me, and I could tell he only made the

connection when I said the word vandalism.

“You in or out?” I asked, putting my foot on the bottom rung of the

billboard’s ladder.

He picked up the duffel bag. “In.”

He was still and always would be handsome. He was commanding and

confident, assertive and poised. I remembered his dick with more fondness

than any other. But on my rooftop with a bag of cans in a hard fist, the

hottest thing about him was his readiness to follow me. I almost stopped

myself from leading him further so I could protect him from the very

intimacy he sought.

“Well?” he asked. “You want me to go first?”

No. I didn’t.

He wanted to know me, but that was half the story.

I wanted to show him who I was, even if opening the gate and guiding

him down the path to my heart ended up breaking it.

So I climbed.

Past the NO TRESPASSING sign. The DANGER warning. The

AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY badge. I went over the locked gate

and dropped onto the catwalk behind the sign.

Logan slung the bag over the gate before he mounted it and launched

down to the narrow walkway.

The lights were in the front of the billboard, but we were behind it,

where the plywood didn’t need to be seen or covered. Dwarfed by the scale

of it and protected in the shadows, we were both very exposed and very


“You’re good at this,” I said.

He cupped my face and kissed me before I could finish, pushing me

against the raw wood as if he wanted to merge our bodies. His intensity had

its own force, a gravitational pull I couldn’t—and didn’t want to—resist. If

only I could fall into that depth of passion forever, with my unmet desires

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