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praying in her direction. “Will you have lunch with me though? We have a

spread all set out.”

“I have to get to work,” Olivia replied, buttoning her jacket. “I’ll show

myself out.”

“I won’t hear of it!” She turned her back on me to lead Olivia away.

“This floor can be such a maze, and you don’t want to get lost in the sample

room. It’s like those dirty, loud back streets in Fez where me and June got

lost this one time? It was absolutely…”

“Hellish,” I grumbled, finishing her sentence to myself as I rolled my


On Highland Ave, a billboard sat on the roof of a single-story industrial

building wedged between two galleries. A mural with the words BREAK

SHIT took the entire front wall. The permits to demolish the building had

expired when the owner couldn’t buy the adjoining spaces. He rented it to

me for a fraction of the market rate as long as I didn’t ask him for repairs or

refuse to vacate once he could tear it down.

Commercial zoning meant I couldn’t officially inhabit it, but it had

everything I needed. Two thousand square feet divided in the middle. A

bathroom. A hot plate and refrigerator on the side I lived in, and a

workspace for the dozen or so artists in the GAC.

Mandy climbed the telescoping ladder I’d hooked to the back of the

building. There, in the shade of the billboard, on a patch of Astroturf, I had

a little table and chairs set up. Every first of the month—most months—I

heard men clonking around the roof to change the ad. They left my seating

area alone.

“Thank you for the retweet,” I said to Mandy, putting a bag of takeout

on the table. “The GAC accounts were on fire.”

“Any excuse to look like an edgy influencer,” she replied, taking out a

plastic clamshell of salad.

“It was amazing,” I said, reclining on the chair until I faced the night

sky. Though we were on the back side of the billboard, its lights drowned

out the stars. “The sun. The stones. The construction guy getting out of the

bulldozer to check it out. The whole thing.”

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