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I hoped she’d tell me more so I could show an interest in her life. Take

action to improve it or something… whatever she needed. All I had to do

was listen.

“Can you undo me?” Her hair had grown, and she had to pull it over

one shoulder so I could get at the back zipper of the dress she’d worn to

dinner a few hours and a million realizations ago.

“You smell like throw up,” I said.

Admittedly, of all the things I noticed, that was the wrong one to voice.

She also smelled like wine and sounded hoarse, but those tangible, sensory

changes were nothing compared to how far away she seemed.

I drew the zipper down, letting my finger course down the length of her

back, over her bra, to the curve above her ass. I pushed the dress off her

shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of it, only in her


“Thanks.” She didn’t even look at me, walking away with her arms

behind her to unhook her bra, bare feet on the concrete floor as she slid the

straps down and tossed it onto the couch.

She wasn’t being intentionally seductive. She wasn’t asking me to

follow her into the bathroom for a quick fuck. No, she was tired and deep in

thought, cavalier about my presence because I’d been cavalier about hers.

The shower sputtered twice before it hissed.

I caught sight of her phone. It was unlocked.

“You told Mandy and Selma I was sick, right?” she called.

“Yeah,” I replied, setting up location tracking between our devices.

“Good. Want to keep the story straight.”

I stood outside the doorway. She was down to her underpants, leaning

into the stall with her hand under the water, waiting for it to get hot. Trying

to avoid the peaks of her breasts, I looked down. The plain cotton fabric

rode up the front of her cleft on the bottom, and hung at the line of her hips

at the top. My eyes did laps around the shape of her underwear until the

weight of her stare brought me back to her face.

“Are you trying to get me to ask for a fuck?” I asked. “Because it’s


“If I wanted to fuck, you wouldn’t have to ask.” The room filled with

steam. She bent down to get her underwear off and stopped with her fingers

hooked in the sides. “You can come in, but if you can’t stand the sight of

me in my own bathroom, you can wait outside.”

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