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“Why does it matter now?”

“Because I never got to explain. If he died thinking I missed his

wedding to throw mom’s ashes in the garbage disposal or whatever… he’d

think I did it out of spite.”

“And you didn’t.” The statement was both a question and

encouragement for more.

“No, I didn’t. Mom up there, looking down at Dad and his new wife…

I’m not saying I didn’t hate you, because I did. But I wanted Dad to be

happy and I wanted Mom at peace. So I spread the ashes over the front

pavement at the Observatory, because she named me star and that’s dumb,

but it was all I could think of. Then I put the urn back. Without her inside, it

was just a container.”

“That’s a lovely story,” she said dryly.

“Did you tell him?”

“Did I?” She looked into space for a moment, head tilted. I assumed she

was coming up with an extra biting retort. In the end, I kind of wished she

had. “Basile found out a couple of years later. He moved it, and it was too

light. He was… shall we say, distraught.”

I swallowed hard. He’d never said anything to me. Bianca must have

told him about my jeans and the mysterious ash. Why did he not come to

me? “What did he say when you told him?”

“When I told him what?”

“About the ash on my jeans, Bianca. Stop fucking around.”

She came down the steps, stopping in front of me with the banister

between us. “I told him I’d been dusting up there and it fell. I told him the

ashes came out and I cleaned them up before he could see. He was livid. He

called me a liar. He said I was covering for the cleaning lady. Then when

she denied it, he said I was trying to purge your mother. He couldn’t believe

what a sneak I was. He said I’d done it out of spite. I didn’t tell him that his

daughter was the spiteful one.”

Bianca, the stepmonster, had covered for me? Lied for me? Risked her

marriage to an unforgiving man to protect me? Who was she?

Who was I?

Was I the kind of person who let that happen? Was I someone who did

bad things and covered them up, thinking as long as I didn’t get caught, no

one was hurt?


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