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There had been a time when I spoke to my father freely, without worrying

about a slip of the tongue or hurtful revelation. I realized, after my mother

took my wife away and Dad guided me outside to look over the view, that

those days were over.

“You should consider getting a Cambria,” Dad said. “Good for the soul.

You and Ella.”

“I have everything I need.”

“And a lot of things you don’t.”

I shrugged, letting my hands drape over the railing. The concrete slab

jutted over the precipice of the canyon, adding a few degrees of unfettered


“What I’m trying to say is,” Dad said, “you’re giving up a lot for a

business that’s only going to disappoint you. There aren’t any solutions. But

getting deeper in—sacrificing your life to it—will get you into the same

crises I did. And they’re not so easy to solve.”

“Ah. I get it now.” I looked out over the ravine.

“I’m not calling you a liar,” Dad said. “Or Ella. But I need you to know

there’s more to life.”

“It’s sudden. The marriage. I know. And… current circumstances being

what they are, I understand your suspicion.”

“We hadn’t met her.”

“There wasn’t ever a right time, and then we just did it.”

He nodded, looking out over the morning. I could reassure him

endlessly about the business, but I knew my father. He wasn’t concerned

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