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“I’ll cream you after lunch,” I said, letting go of Logan. “Go do some

work or something.”

I kissed him quickly and let Doreen loop her arm around mine to lead

me out of the room.

My mother-in-law made a wrong turn somewhere, and we laughed at

how easy it was to get lost.

“You need a map,” I joked.

“Byron did one,” she replied.

“A literal map?”

“He printed it for guests. Full color. He labeled mine by hand with some

special object so I’d always know where I was. Red Velvet Pillows. Glass

Floor Lamp. Blue Mondrian. Dad’s Persian—for the carpet his father

bought in Morocco. But of course I always forget to carry it around.

Especially when Ted’s with me. Ah, here we are.”

She pushed through a set of wooden double doors that opened into a

massive suite that was a building all its own. The center space went up two

stories to the glass ceiling. The two levels between were rimmed with


Every inch of wall space was taken up with books.

The stark whites and clear glass weren’t a match for the thousands of

spines, but obviously the residents didn’t care.

“Wow,” was all I could say.

Doreen waved away my awe. “We’re trying to cozy it up a bit. It’s not

really who I am… all this. But it’ll do. Come.”

I followed her through another double door, into a massive closet. She

turned on the light even though it had windows high above eye level, and

turned a corner, into a deeper section with rows of shoes.

“You need a map for the closet,” I said.

She laughed. “And I told my husband, how many things can I wear at


The end of the road was a door with a keypad and humidity-control

gauge next to it. She entered the code and it beeped, opening with a hiss.

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