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Colton pointed his fork at each of us. “You’re the same kinda crazy.”

“Now I see it.” Ted laughed, taking his wife’s hand on the table. “Can’t

you, honey?”

They looked at each other deeply, as if having a conversation without


Logan swallowed hard, then drank his coffee as if he wanted to hide

behind the cup.

In the moments that passed, Doreen didn’t answer.

Dante broke the tension with a question. “I hear you’re working for

your father’s label?”

“Since I was a kid.” I glanced at Logan, and he met my eyes with


Eventually, I would have to tell this story. Better I do it in front of my

husband than where he couldn’t hear it. “Until this morning actually. My

stepmother…” Insulting her wouldn’t look good, even if she deserved it.

“She and I had a falling out. My fault actually. Anyway, we thought it

would be better if I moved on.”

“Your own thing, yeah?” Colton suggested.

“Maybe? I don’t know. I think…” Could I even say it out loud?

“Ella can do whatever she wants.” Logan’s foot rested on mine.

“I’m going to spend a while just being with my husband. You know,

making sure he has everything he needs full time.”

Logan nodded slightly, and I smiled at him in victory from the top of the

mountain of things I’d never, ever wanted for myself.

Doreen—the one we were trying to persuade—let out a short scoff.

“That sounds exhausting,” she said, smiling at Ted.

“My wife needs to rest after last night,” Ted said. “I think a week in

Cambria will do us some good.” He winked. They laughed together as if

sharing a private joke.

“What’s in Cambria?” I asked.

“Ted wanted to get away from the rat race,” Doreen said. “The boys

were all grown. Lyric was in college. So we bought this house up there and

it’s just lovely. Deep in this wooded area. Miles from the nearest road. You

can hear the ocean and see it even, from the top of the hill.”

After taking a sip of mimosa, Ted said, “When Lyric moved out, right

about then I had my first midlife crisis.”

“Your first?” Logan asked. “I didn’t even know you had one.”

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