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“Run out of money?” Dante asked, turning down the food he was


“Dante,” Ted growled.

I glanced at Logan. His jaw was set and his expression demanded my

silence, even without his shoe pressing on my foot.

“Ella,” Doreen said with an elbow on each side of her plate and her

fingers laced together, “tell us. When did you two decide to get married?”

“All unbeknownst,” Dante added casually.

“Um,” I started, catching Logan’s gaze to make sure the story was the

same. “About a minute after we met again.”

To give myself time to think, I shoveled a huge forkful of egg and

potato in my mouth,and chewed fully before continuing.

“It was just obvious, you know,” I said. Logan nodded slightly. I was

fine. Fine. I just had to hew to the truth. “Then yesterday he walked right

into my office and asked me to marry him.”

“I couldn’t wait another minute,” Logan added.

“And we were talking about dates, and I said, ‘why not now?’ and he


“I said, ‘I thought you’d never ask,’” Logan finished, winking at me

across the table.

“Yeah, and so we did. And here we are.”

“How romantic,” Doreen said. “I wish I could have seen it.”

“It felt just… right.” I took another forkful of eggs.

“Well,” Doreen said, “we have to have another party.”

“That’s not necessary,” Logan protested.

“Better him than me,” Colton said.

“Why not? Afraid you might enjoy yourself?” Dante turned to me. “I

hope you’re teaching him how to have a good time.”

“Not your kind of good time,” Logan shot back with a subtext I didn’t

understand, but I would have known if we’d been together four months.

I looked at my plate so I could pretend I knew exactly what he was

talking about.

“He taking you somewhere?” Colton asked me. “Or’s he being all

efficient? Like a work trip on an oil rig off the coast of Greenland or some

sh—” He cut himself off mid-curse.

“That sounds fun actually.” I scraped the last of the food on my plate.

“Ella’s got her father’s talent,” Logan said. “And a sexy work ethic.”

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