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“We could hear him across Crownestead,” Ted added. “Boy after my

own heart.”

I was supposed to know this. The entire way forward was lined with

booby traps.

“I’m a really deep sleeper,” I said, taking Logan’s hand. “Like a dead

thing. Right?”

“You’re gorgeous when you’re asleep.” He pulled me close, and we all

went into the dining room.

A long cherrywood table had been set with white porcelain plates,

polished silver, and clusters of crystal glasses.

“Did he tell you about the time he and Byron had to share a hotel room

in Brussels?” Doreen said. “There’s a recording. I wonder if he still has it?”

Half a dozen people in white shirts and black vests descended on the

table with pitchers of coffee and tea. They poured champagne into flutes

half-filled with orange juice to make mimosas.

“I had a cold,” Logan protested, holding a chair out for me.

I sat.

“It was a series of roars.” Ted held out a chair for Doreen, but she

ignored him and took the place next to me, leaving Logan to sit across from

me, where we couldn’t signal with a hand-squeeze.

“There could be an actual lion in the room eating me,” I said, slipping

off my shoe under the table. “I wouldn’t wake up.”

“There are six places,” Logan said. “Who’s missing?”

“Lyric’s still sleeping,” Ted said, sitting at the head of the table as his

coffee was poured.

I straightened my knee until my toes reached Logan’s foot, intending to

signal that way.

“Dante’s actually going to spend five minutes with us,” Doreen said.

“Matt woke up with a fever, so Liam took him to the doctor. Byron and

Olivia are eating in their room. Colton’s—there you are!”

Colton Crowne threw himself into an empty chair, wearing low-crotch

sweatpants and a ribbed tank, ass on the end of the seat and legs sprawling

under the table. His beard was unkempt and his hair was hidden under a

backward black cap. He bounced and tapped as if his mind was a nightclub.

“It’s so good to have you back,” Doreen said. “If we hadn’t just thrown

a party, I would have thrown one for you.”

Trays of eggs, potatoes, and bacon were brought around.

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