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“Then I think…” I had to stop when he turned the nipple just enough to

make me push into him. “It’s the same night so…” He gently twisted the

other way. “So not a problem for feelings. Right?”

“Right.” He pulled my shirt over my breasts, eyes flicking from one to

the other as if deciding between desserts before choosing the left to suck.

“No feelings.”

He slid his hands along my sides and pushed my pants down, his mouth

following. When I was bare, he threw the pants aside and held me by the

calves, raising and spreading my legs.

“I ate your pussy,” he said, kissing the inside of my knee and working

up. “And you came, but you tasted so good…” He ran his tongue along my

seam, leaving the tip at the head of my clit and circling. “I couldn’t stop.”

He kissed the nub, and I groaned. When I looked down, he was looking

right back at me. Pressing me open, he flicked, watching me as he made me

writhe with his mouth, gently pulling my clit between his teeth before

pushing his tongue inside.

I came, pushing against the headboard and raising my hips. “Logan!

Just wait, I—”

Though he slowed down, he kept his promise and made me come again,

twisting with the unbearable, overwhelming sensation of too much pleasure,

until he had to stop and I was on my stomach with him behind me.

“Oh, my God,” I said. From behind my closed eyes, my face smushed

against the mattress, I felt him take off his sweatpants. “Did I know you

were the one right then?”

“I don’t know.” He put his hands on my hips and pulled them up to get

me on my hands and knees. I felt the head of his dick start at my asshole

then slide down to my entrance. “You decide that part of the story.”

He pushed inside me, three strokes deep, and stopped to wrap his arm

under mine and place his hand under my jaw. Then he slammed into me,

making me see stars.

“You want it all?” he asked.

“That’s not all of it?”

“This is all of it.” One hard thrust and he was root-deep, leaving me

shuddering against him. He put two fingers in my mouth, the middle and

the ring. I closed my lips around them. “Suck while you take it.”

I did as he commanded, and he thrust into me again and again, teasing

my clit with his other hand. I dropped to my elbows. The harder he fucked

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