Wealden Times | WT261 | February 2024 | Education Supplement inside

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FROM AFINE MINDTO A GOODHEARTIn this year’s A-levels, 80 per cent of all gradesawarded to Tonbridge boys were at A* or A.Meanwhile, our latest Giving Day raised a spectacular£525,000, which will go directly to supporting ourFoundation Awards programme: widening access,creating opportunities and raising the level ofachievement for all.As one of the UK’s leading boarding and day schools,we are looking for bright boys from whatever lifebackground. Come and see how we forge theconnection between the intellectual and the human.Visit websiteArrange a visit:admissions@tonbridge-school.orgtonbridge-school.co.ukRanked 6th best independent senior school plus top for boardingnationally, and best boys’ school in the south-east.Sunday Times Parent Power Schools Guide 2024priceless-magazines.com74

The Priceless Education Supplement sponsored byTrue GritThe Granville School talk us through their positive approach to developing resilienceistockphoto.com/ olnik_yAs a predominantly girls’ school(we only have boys in our Preschool),resilience is high on ourlist of skills to develop in our pupils.Although we’d like to think that ourpupils’ future lives would be a levelplaying field in an equitable society, thereality is that this is not yet the case.Our mission is to foster confidence,self-belief, emotional intelligence and anability to withstand adversity. Much ofmodern life is fast-paced, challenging andcompetitive. There will be joy, there willbe disappointment. We prepare our pupilsfor this. It is widely known that resilienceis a key factor in being successful butsome children develop this more naturallythan others. We found that simplyencouraging a child to be resilient was notenough and we wanted a way to explicitlyteach these skills as we would teach longdivision or how to use apostrophes.Two years ago, we introduced thePositive Education programme to ourschool, with every class now havingweekly lessons timetabled and all stafftrained in delivering the curriculum.Positive Education combines traditionaleducation principles with researchbackedways of increasing happiness andwellbeing. It is about empowering eachindividual to explore their own strengthsto lead richer and fuller lives.Our aim is for every child to flourish,not just academically but socially andemotionally. Research shows that for thisto happen, there are six domains thatneed to be nurtured. These are positiverelationships, positive emotions, positivehealth, positive engagement, positiveaccomplishment, and positive purpose.Alongside these six domains is thefocus on character strengths. Pupils areencouraged to spot character strengthsboth in themselves and in their peers to“We can doanything if we putour mind to it”make the most of their strengths andbuild awareness of weaknesses. Thisteaches pupils to acknowledge all feelings,even negative ones, and learn how to dealwith them so they can confidently facechallenges and deal with less pleasantemotions such as jealousy or anger.Activities might include researchingpeople from history who failed at firstbut persisted. Our pupils might takeon challenges that require grit anddetermination and share their experiencesand the skills they used to succeed. Musicis used with inspiring lyrics and reflectiontime is built into lessons to give studentsthe chance to think about the skills ofresilience they can use in various scenarios.In addition to this ‘resiliencecurriculum’, our girls have a myriad ofopportunities to practise and hone theirskills. Competitive sport is availablefor all of our girls and is highly valuedhere. Everything from boxing to waterconfidence, Jujitsu to football is available.This ‘sport for all’ approach fostersresilience as well as supporting goodmental health.Drama is a core part of our widercurriculum from the age of three. Girlstake LAMDA exams, perform in aprofessional theatre and take part in anumber of seasonal productions. Thisbuilds confidence and teamwork skillsand also tests resilience. Throughout theschool, girls are endowed with leadershipopportunities. Our School Council meetsweekly with the headmistress to sharepupils’ voices with school leaders. OurYear 6 prefects walk the school dog andhelp with Pre-school playground duties.They even compose songs for theiryounger counterparts to be performed atour Spring Festival.Our motto, ‘Believe, Inspire, Achieve’reminds us that we can do anything if weput our mind to it and our curriculumteaches us how to cope when weencounter difficulties. With a growthmindset, resilience and ambition, thesky is the limit for our pupils and theyrepeatedly demonstrate this.granvilleschool.org75priceless-magazines.com





In this year’s A-levels, 80 per cent of all grades

awarded to Tonbridge boys were at A* or A.

Meanwhile, our latest Giving Day raised a spectacular

£525,000, which will go directly to supporting our

Foundation Awards programme: widening access,

creating opportunities and raising the level of

achievement for all.

As one of the UK’s leading boarding and day schools,

we are looking for bright boys from whatever life

background. Come and see how we forge the

connection between the intellectual and the human.

Visit website

Arrange a visit:



Ranked 6th best independent senior school plus top for boarding

nationally, and best boys’ school in the south-east.

Sunday Times Parent Power Schools Guide 2024



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