Surrey Homes | SH109 | February 2024 | Education Supplement inside

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The Priceless Education Supplement


istockphoto.com/ Devita ayu Silvianingtyas, olnik_y, Anna Drozdova & Macrovector

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of

education, language acquisition stands as a

cornerstone in preparing our students for a

globalised world. At TASIS The American School

in England, we understand language’s pivotal role in

fostering cultural understanding and nurturing wellrounded

individuals. Here, we delve into the trends in

language teaching, explore the influence of technology

on language education, and share our vision for the

future of language learning at our school.

Language education is transforming, with

contemporary approaches placing a strong emphasis

on both communication and cultural competence. The

traditional classroom model is evolving towards more

interactive and immersive experiences, aligning with

the idea that language is a living entity best learned

through practical application. At TASIS England, we

embrace these trends by fostering an environment

where students actively engage with languages through

real-world scenarios, enabling them to grasp the

nuances and subtleties of communication.

Undoubtedly, technology has emerged as a

powerful catalyst in shaping language education.

Virtual classrooms, language learning apps, and

online resources have revolutionized how we teach

and learn languages. Technology integration allows

for personalized learning experiences that cater to

individual needs and learning styles. Our educators

at TASIS England leverage these technological tools

to create dynamic lessons, enabling students to

explore languages beyond the confines of a traditional


In the digital age, the importance of global

connectivity cannot be overstated. Mandarin Chinese,

Spanish, and Arabic are currently among the most

popular languages, reflecting the economic, political,

and cultural influence of the regions where they

are spoken. At TASIS England, we recognize the

significance of these languages and offer comprehensive

programs to equip our students with the skills needed

to thrive in an interconnected world.

Looking ahead, our commitment to providing a

world-class education extends to the future of language

learning at TASIS England. We envision a dynamic

curriculum that continues to adapt to the evolving

linguistic landscape. Our strategic plan includes

expanding language offerings to include emerging

languages that hold global relevance. Additionally,

to say

Chantal Gordon, Head of Modern Foreign

Languages at TASIS The American School

in London, gives us a glimpse into their

approach to language education

we are exploring partnerships and exchanges that

will provide our students with authentic cultural

experiences, further enriching their language


At our school, fostering linguistic proficiency goes

hand-in-hand with nurturing open-minded, globally

aware citizens. As we embrace the trends in language

teaching and harness the power of technology, we

remain dedicated to preparing our students for a

future where effective communication and cultural

understanding are paramount. Together, we embark

on a journey that transcends linguistic boundaries,

shaping the leaders and thinkers of tomorrow at TASIS

The American School in England.

To find out more about

TASIS, The American School

in London visit tasisengland.org



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