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The lifestyle magazine for Surrey - Inspirational Interiors, Fabulous Fashion, Delicious Dishes The lifestyle magazine for Surrey - Inspirational Interiors, Fabulous Fashion, Delicious Dishes

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25.01.2024 Views 28This page: The family’s chocolatelabrador relaxes on the leather sofain the kitchen/dining/living space

This page: The stunning downstairs looto build a certain size footprint, whichmeant the house wasn’t big enough forwhat we wanted to do. So we decidedto excavate the basement and go intothe roof,” describes Steve. However itwasn’t as straightforward as he hopedand upon inspection by a structuralengineer he was told the basement wasa no go. “The water table is incrediblyhigh in the area, so we couldn’t builda basement.” Steve however, wasadamant, “I went to Sian and I told her,we are having a basement!” Workingwith a new structural engineer a waywas found. “We needed to pump thewater out faster than it was comingin, so we had to use a very powerfulpump.” The basement was 28

This page: The family’s chocolate

labrador relaxes on the leather sofa

in the kitchen/dining/living space

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