Surrey Homes | SH109 | February 2024 | Education Supplement inside

The lifestyle magazine for Surrey - Inspirational Interiors, Fabulous Fashion, Delicious Dishes

The lifestyle magazine for Surrey - Inspirational Interiors, Fabulous Fashion, Delicious Dishes


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“For me spring flowers are

arguably my favourite blooms

to work with and the fact

that many are UK grown

and relatively inexpensive

makes them attainable

for everyone to enjoy.”

Jonathan Moseley, floral designer

Outdoor gardening

Mobility and flexibility may become

reduced in later years, but you can still

garden outside. Being actively involved

in an outdoor project is energising and

brings a sense of accomplishment, and

of anticipation – looking forward to and

planning for the future – what plants to

grow, crops to harvest. If this is done in

a community setting, the social benefits

can markedly increase quality of life.

Raised beds are a good option,

constructed to the height that

best suits. Try lightweight

containers, or those on castors.

Trellises and vertical supports will

allow for plants to climb upwards to

enable easy access. Make sure that

there is a bench nearby, or chairs for

a rest in between tasks, or for sitting

and admiring achievements.

There are lots of ingenious tools available

and are ergonomic, which means they

are designed for both efficiency and

comfort. Some have been made for

people with arthritis and mobility issues.

Automatic watering systems make

the arduous and often heavy work of

watering redundant, providing they are

set up correctly and can be adjusted

to suit the prevailing weather. Because

the nozzles are pointed directly at the

parts of the plants that need it, they

can potentially be water-saving too.

Indoor gardening

Imagine a life where you might be,

through immobility or illness, trapped

inside for most of the day, unable to

step outside for a breath of fresh air, to

go for a walk, or do some gardening.

Feelings of isolation and depression can

result, but health and wellbeing benefits

can still be gained from interacting

with nature in an indoor situation.

Activities like tending to houseplants,

propagation and flower arranging are

all beneficial, raising self-esteem and

promoting a feeling of achievement.

Pegasus Homes connects with external

providers, like Jonathan Moseley, a well

known floral designer, who has hosted

events at Highfields. Jonathan shares his

thoughts on the benefits that flowers and

nature can bring to our wellbeing in later

life, and offers some top tips on creating

colourful displays in small areas, and

ideas for making cut flowers last longer:

“Spring flowers offer such welcome

cheer after the dark cold days of winter.

A bunch of daffodils or hyacinths can

immediately cheer up a room or offer

the most intoxicating fragrance. For

me spring flowers are arguably my

favourite blooms to work with and

the fact that many are UK grown and

relatively inexpensive makes them

attainable for everyone to enjoy.

Many Spring flowers like tulips,

narcissi, iris and hyacinths are bulb

flowers and the soft fleshy stems are

best arranged in shallow water as

opposed to deep water. Always add

flower food into the water when

arranging your flowers as the sugars and

minerals which it contains will enable

buds to fully mature into large flowers.

Flowers like tulips, which continue to

grow once they have been cut, benefit

from having extra foliage or twigs to

support the top heavy flowers. Try

mixing them with twiggy birch stems,

pussy willow or aromatic eucalyptus.

Small delicate flowers like snowdrops,

muscari, anemones or primulas look

stunning arranged into mini vintage

ceramic flower rings or ‘glass flower frogs’

which can be easily sourced from charity

or vintage/junk shops. Mix them with

fragrant herbs like rosemary, mint or sage

to create a wonderfully fragrant display.

Branches of early spring flowering

shrubs like forsythia, ribes (flowering

currant), cornus, witch hazel and

cherry blossom can be gathered

early before the buds begin to open.

Place the bare branches in a vase of

water in a warm room and they can

be miraculously forced open when placed

into flower within a couple of weeks.”

Pegasus has done some research recently

with the over 55s and found that 57%

of respondents enjoy hobbies to keep

them mentally active. It is well known

that socialising plays a huge role in

mental wellbeing too, and access to

communal spaces – both indoors and

outside – offer wonderful opportunities

to come together and enjoy a new

hobby with like-minded people.

From tending a garden to cultivating

a pot plant on a windowsill, research

by the Mental Health Foundation

highlights the critical role of nature in

supporting good mental health and

encourages people to connect with

‘everyday’ nature close to home to

maximise the benefits it can bring to our

wellbeing, whatever our age or ability.

To find out more about Pegasus’s new

community, Highfields, and their other

developments, visit pegasushomes.co.uk.

Jo’s gardening courses starting in

spring are now booking. Call 07923

969634 or see hornbrookmanor.co.uk



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