The Tyrant's Tomb

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coerced her into entering the prophecy business. Lupa had warned me: You

will face more sacrifices. Death. Blood.

I forced that idea aside. “Anyway, Tarquin was monstrous enough when

he was alive. The Romans despised him so much they did away with the

monarchy forever. Even centuries later, the emperors never dared to call

themselves kings. Tarquin died in exile. His tomb was never located.”

“And now it’s here,” Reyna said.

It wasn’t a question. She accepted that an ancient Roman tomb could pop

up in Northern California, where it had no business being. The gods moved.

The demigod camps moved. It was just our luck that an evil undead lair

would move in next door. We really needed stricter mythological zoning


In the first row, next to Hazel, a senator rose to speak. He had dark curly

hair, off-center blue eyes, and a cherry-red mustache stain on his upper lip.

“So, to sum up: in three days, we’re facing an invasion from two evil

emperors, their armies, and fifty ships with weapons we don’t understand,

along with another wave of undead like the one that nearly destroyed us last

time, when we were a lot stronger. If that’s the bad news, what’s the bad


“I assume we’re getting to that, Dakota.” Reyna turned to me. “Right,


“The other bad news,” I said, “is that I have a plan, but it’s going to be

hard, maybe impossible, and parts of the plan aren’t exactly…plan-worthy,


Dakota rubbed his hands. “Well, I’m excited. Let’s hear it!”

He sat back down, pulled a flask from his toga, and took a swig. I

guessed that he was a child of Bacchus, and, judging from the smell that

wafted across the senate floor, his chosen beverage was fruit punch Kool-


I took a deep breath. “So. The Sibylline Books are basically like

emergency recipes, right? Sacrifices. Ritual prayers. Some are designed to

appease angry gods. Some are designed to call for divine aid against your

enemies. I believe…I’m pretty sure…if we’re able to find the correct recipe

for our predicament, and do what it says, I may be able to summon help from

Mount Olympus.”

No one laughed or called me crazy. Gods didn’t intervene in demigod

affairs often, but it did happen on rare occasions. The idea wasn’t completely

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