The Tyrant's Tomb

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It was too much. I put my hand against the nearest wall. Another

innocent little girl made to suffer, like Meg McCaffrey, when Nero killed her

father…Like Georgina, when she was taken from her mothers in

Indianapolis. These three monstrous Roman emperors had shattered so many

lives. I had to put a stop to it.

Frank took my arm gently. “One foot in front of the other. That’s the only

way to do it.”

I had come here to support the Romans. Instead this Roman was

supporting me.

We made our way past cafés and storefronts. I tried to focus on anything

positive. The grape vines were budding. The fountains still had running

water. The buildings in this neighborhood were all intact.

“At least—at least the city didn’t burn,” I ventured.

Frank frowned like he didn’t see the cause for optimism. “What do you


“That other line of prophecy: The words that memory wrought are set to

fire. That refers to Ella and Tyson’s work on the Sibylline Books, doesn’t it?

The Books must be safe, since you prevented the city from burning.”

“Oh.” Frank made a sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh.

“Yeah, funny thing about that…”

He stopped in front of a quaint-looking bookstore. Painted on the green

awning was the simple word LIBRI. Racks of used hardcovers were set out on

the sidewalk for browsing. Inside the window, a large orange cat sunned

itself atop a stack of dictionaries.

“Prophecy lines don’t always mean what you think they do.” Frank

rapped on the door: three sharp taps, two slow ones, then two fast ones.

Immediately, the door flew inward. Standing in the entrance was a barechested,

grinning Cyclops.

“Come in!” said Tyson. “I am getting a tattoo!”

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