The Tyrant's Tomb

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“Thank you,” Hazel managed at last. “I—I’ll do everything I can to be

worthy of your trust. Here’s the thing, though. This leaves the Fifth Cohort

without a centurion, so—”

The entire Fifth Cohort started chanting in unison: “LAVINIA!


“What?” Lavinia’s face turned pinker than her hair. “Oh, no. I don’t do



“Is this a joke? Guys, I—”

“Lavinia Asimov!” Hazel said with a smile. “The Fifth Cohort read my

mind. As my first act as praetor, for your unparalleled heroism in the Battle

of San Francisco Bay, I hereby promote you to centurion—unless my fellow

praetor has any objections?”

“None,” Frank said.

“Then come forward, Lavinia!”

To more applause and whistling, Lavinia approached the rostrum and got

her new badge of office. She hugged Frank and Hazel, which wasn’t the

usual military protocol, but no one seemed to care. Nobody clapped louder

or whistled more shrilly than Meg. I know because she left me deaf in one


“Thanks, guys,” Lavinia announced. “So, Fifth Cohort, first we’re going

to learn to tap-dance. Then—”

“Thank you, Centurion,” Hazel said. “You may be seated.”

“What? I’m not kidding—”

“On to our next order of business!” Frank said, as Lavinia skipped

grumpily (if that’s even possible) back to her seat. “We realize the legion

will need time to heal. There’s lots to be done. This summer we will rebuild.

We’ll speak to Lupa about getting more recruits as quickly as possible, so we

can come back from this battle stronger than ever. But for now, our fight is

won, and we have to honor two people who made that possible: Apollo,

otherwise known as Lester Papadopoulos, and his comrade, Meg


The crowd applauded so much, I doubt many people heard Meg say,

“Master, not comrade,” which was fine with me.

As we stood to accept the legion’s thanks, I felt strangely uncomfortable.

Now that I finally had a friendly crowd cheering for me, I just wanted to sit

down and cover my head with a toga. I had done so little compared to Hazel

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