The Tyrant's Tomb

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and the Stooges, a band older than she was by several generations. “We

came as fast as we could, but still…I had some time to cry and scream and

throw things.”

I remained very still. I had vivid memories of Iggy Pop throwing peanut

butter, ice cubes, watermelons, and other dangerous objects at his fans

during his concerts. I found Thalia more intimidating than him by far.

“It seems so cruel,” she continued. “We lose someone and finally get

them back, only to lose them again.”

I wondered why she used the word we. She seemed to be saying that she

and I shared this experience—the loss of an only sibling. But she had

suffered so much worse. My sister couldn’t die. I couldn’t lose her


Then, after a moment of disorientation, like I’d been flipped upside

down, I realized she wasn’t talking about me losing someone. She was

talking about Artemis—Diana.

Was she suggesting that my sister missed me, even grieved for me as

Thalia grieved for Jason?

Thalia must have read my expression. “The goddess has been beside

herself,” she said. “I mean that literally. Sometimes she gets so worried she

splits into two forms, Roman and Greek, right in front of me. She’ll probably

get mad at me for telling you this, but she loves you more than anyone else

in the world.”

A marble seemed to have lodged in my throat. I couldn’t speak, so I just


“Diana didn’t want to leave camp so suddenly like that,” Thalia

continued. “But you know how it is. Gods can’t stick around. Once the

danger to New Rome had passed, she couldn’t risk overstaying her

summons. Jupiter…Dad wouldn’t approve.”

I shivered. How easy it was to forget that this young woman was also my

sister. And Jason was my brother. At one time, I would have discounted that

connection. They’re just demigods, I would have said. Not really family.

Now I found the idea hard to accept for a different reason. I didn’t feel

worthy of that family. Or Thalia’s forgiveness.

Gradually, the funeral picnic began to break up. Romans drifted off in

twos and threes, heading for New Rome, where a special nighttime meeting

was being held at the Senate House. Sadly, the valley’s population was so

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