The Tyrant's Tomb

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My line of vision was reduced to a blurry red cone, but I focused on

Commodus’s calves as he paced in front of me, thanking his adoring fans.

Strapped to the inside of his calf was a sheathed dagger.

He had always carried one of those back in the old days. When you’re an

emperor, the paranoia never stops. You could be assassinated by your

housekeeper, your waiter, your launderer, your best friend. And then, despite

all your precautions, your godly ex-lover disguised as your wrestling trainer

ends up drowning you in your bathtub. Surprise!

Hobble Commodus, Frank had told me.

I had no energy left, but I owed Frank a last request.

My body screamed in protest as I stretched out my hand and grabbed the

dagger. It slipped easily from its sheath—kept well-oiled for a quick draw.

Commodus didn’t even notice. I stabbed him in the back of the left knee,

then the right before he had even registered the pain. He screamed and

toppled forward, spewing Latin obscenities I hadn’t heard since the reign of


Hobbling accomplished. I dropped the knife, all my willpower gone. I

waited to see what would kill me. The emperors? The zombie poison? The


I craned my neck to see how my friend the common swift was doing. Not

well, it turned out. Caligula scored a lucky hit with the flat of his blade,

smacking Frank into the wall. The little bird tumbled limply, and Frank

shifted back into human form just in time for his face to hit the pavement.

Caligula grinned at me, his wounded eye closed tight, his voice filled

with hideous glee. “Are you watching, Apollo? You remember what happens


He raised his sword over Frank’s back.

“NO!” I screamed.

I could not witness another friend’s death. Somehow, I got to my feet,

but I was much too slow. Caligula brought down his blade…which bent in

half like a pipe cleaner against Frank’s cloak. Thank the gods of military

fashion statements! Frank’s praetor’s cape could turn back weapons, even as

its ability to transform into a sweater wrap remained unknown.

Caligula snarled in frustration. He drew his dagger, but Frank had

recovered enough strength to stand. He slammed Caligula against the wall

and wrapped his good hand around the emperor’s throat.

“Time’s up!” he roared.

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