The Tyrant's Tomb

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Not again. My heart.

How many syllables is

“Total hopelessness”?

EVEN IN MY WEAKENED condition, you’d think I would be able to stay

out of reach of a blind opponent.

You’d be wrong.

Commodus was only ten yards away when I shot my next arrow at him.

Somehow he dodged it, rushed in, and yanked the bow out of my hands. He

broke the weapon over his knee.

“RUDE!” I yelled.

In retrospect, that was not the way I should have spent that millisecond.

Commodus punched me square in the chest. I staggered backward and

collapsed on my butt, my lungs on fire, my sternum throbbing. A hit like that

should have killed me. I wondered if my godly strength had decided to make

a cameo appearance. If so, I squandered the opportunity to strike back. I was

too busy crawling away, crying in pain.

Commodus laughed, turning to his troops. “You see? He’s always the

one whimpering!”

His followers cheered. Commodus wasted valuable time basking in their

adulation. He couldn’t help being a showman. He also must’ve known I

wasn’t going anywhere.

I glanced at Frank. He and Caligula circled each other, occasionally

trading blows, testing each other’s defenses. With the arrowheads in his

shoulder, Frank had no choice but to favor his left side. He moved stiffly,

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