The Tyrant's Tomb

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Reyna shrugged. “Prophecies never mean what you think, right? If

Apollo is able to open the door thanks to my help, I’m still responsible,

wouldn’t you say?”

“Besides…” I pointed to the horizon. Hours of daylight remained, but the

full moon was rising, enormous and white, over the hills of Marin County.

Soon enough, it would turn bloodred—and so, I feared, would a whole lot of

our friends. “We’re running out of time. If we can cheat, let’s cheat.”

I realized those would make terrible final words. Nevertheless, Reyna

and Meg followed me into the cold silence.

When we reached the doors, Reyna took Meg’s hand. She turned to me:

Ready? Then she planted her other hand on my shoulder.

Strength surged through me. I laughed with soundless joy. I felt as potent

as I had in the woods at Camp Half-Blood, when I’d tossed one of Nero’s

barbarian bodyguards into low earth orbit. Reyna’s power was awesome! If I

could just get her to follow me around the whole time I was mortal, her hand

on my shoulder, a chain of twenty or thirty other demigods behind her, I bet

there was nothing I couldn’t accomplish!

I grabbed the uppermost chains and tore them like crepe paper. Then the

next set, and the next. The Imperial gold broke and crumpled noiselessly in

my fists. The steel locking rods felt as soft as breadsticks as I pulled them

out of their fittings.

That left only the door handles.

The power may have gone to my head. I glanced back at Reyna and Meg

with a self-satisfied smirk, ready to accept their silent adulation.

Instead, they looked as if I’d bent them in half, too.

Meg swayed, her complexion lima-bean green. The skin around Reyna’s

eyes was tight with pain. The veins on her temples stood out like lightning

bolts. My energy surge was frying them.

Finish it, Reyna mouthed. Her eyes added a silent plea: Before we pass


Humbled and ashamed, I grabbed the door handles. My friends had

gotten me this far. If Harpocrates was indeed waiting inside this shipping

box, I would make sure the full force of his anger fell on me, not Reyna or


I yanked open the doors and stepped inside.

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