The Tyrant's Tomb

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for me to worry about—two more loved ones watching me with concern,

wondering how long until I went full-on zombie.

“I appreciate the sentiment,” I said, “but…What is Lavinia doing?”

About a hundred yards away, Lavinia and Don the faun stood on a bridge

across the Little Tiber—which was very much not on the way to the Field of

Mars—having what looked like a serious argument. Perhaps I shouldn’t have

brought this to Hazel’s attention. Then again, if Lavinia wanted to go

unnoticed, she should have chosen a different hair color—like camouflage,

for instance—and not waved her arms around so much.

“I don’t know.” Hazel’s expression reminded me of a tired mother who

had found her toddler trying to climb into the monkey exhibit for the dozenth

time. “Lavinia!”

Lavinia looked over. She patted the air as if to say, Just give me a minute,

then went back to arguing with Don.

“Am I too young to get ulcers?” Hazel wondered aloud.

I had little occasion for humor, given all that was happening, but that

comment made me laugh.

As we got closer to the Field of Mars, I saw legionnaires breaking into

cohorts, moving to different activities spread across the wasteland. One

group was digging defensive trenches. Another had gathered on the shore of

an artificial lake that hadn’t been there yesterday, waiting to board two

makeshift boats that looked nothing like Caligula’s yachts. A third group

sledded down a dirt hill on their shields.

Hazel sighed. “That would be my group of delinquents. If you’ll excuse

me, I’m off to teach them how to slay ghouls.”

She jogged away, leaving me alone with my cartwheeling sidekick.

“So where do we go?” I asked Meg. “Frank said we had, er, special


“Yep.” Meg pointed to the far end of the field, where the Fifth Cohort

was waiting at a target range. “You’re teaching archery.”

I stared at her. “I’m doing what now?”

“Frank taught the morning class, since you slept forever. Now it’s your


“But—I can’t teach as Lester, especially in my condition! Besides,

Romans never rely on archery in combat. They think projectile weapons are

beneath them!”

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