The Tyrant's Tomb

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trunk of the tree. The root chute spiraled shut, submerging under the grass.

Hazel swayed on her feet. “Where are we?”

“This way,” Lavinia announced.

She shouldered my weight again, despite my protestations that I was

fine. Really, I was only dying a little bit. We staggered down a trail among

the looming redwoods. I couldn’t see the stars or discern any landmarks. I

had no idea which direction we were heading, but Lavinia seemed


“How do you know where we are?” I asked.

“Told you,” she said. “I like to explore.”

She must really like Poison Oak, I thought for the umpteenth time. Then

I wondered if Lavinia simply felt more at home in the wild than she did at

camp. She and my sister would get along fine.

“Are any of you hurt?” I asked. “Did the ghouls scratch you?”

The girls all shook their heads.

“What about you?” Meg scowled and pointed at my gut. “I thought you

were getting better.”

“I guess I was too optimistic.” I wanted to scold her for jumping into

combat and nearly getting us all killed, but I didn’t have the energy. Also,

the way she was looking at me, I got the feeling that her grumpy facade

might collapse into tears faster than Tarquin’s ceilings had crumbled.

Hazel eyed me warily. “You should have healed. I don’t understand.”

“Lavinia, can I have some gum?” I asked.

“Seriously?” She dug in her pocket and handed me a piece.

“You’re a corrupting influence.” With leaden fingers, I managed to

unwrap the gum and stick it in my mouth. The flavor was sickly sweet. It

tasted pink. Still, it was better than the sour ghoul poison welling up in my

throat. I chewed, glad for something to focus on beside the memory of

Tarquin’s skeletal fingers curling and sending scythes of fire through my

intestines. And what he had said about the Sibyl…? No. I couldn’t process

that right now.

After a few hundred yards of torturous hiking, we reached a small


“We’re close,” Lavinia said.

Hazel glanced behind us. “I’m sensing maybe a dozen behind us, closing


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