CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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practice to create the directory:

C:\Users\mike>md practice

Once you press enter, Windows executes the command, but it won’t

volunteer any information about what it did. You must use the dir command

to see that you have, in fact, created a new directory. Note that the practice

directory in this example is not listed last, as you might expect.

What about distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase? Windows

displays both in file and folder names but rarely makes any distinction with

commands—which is a nice way to say that Windows doesn’t support case.

For clarity, try using the md command to make a folder called Practice (note

the uppercase) and see what happens. This also happens in the graphical

Windows. Go to your desktop and try to make two folders, one called files

and the other called FILES, and see what Windows tells you.

To create a files subdirectory in the practice directory, first use the cd

command to point the prompt to the practice directory:

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!