CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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just a single user account. You can make a group called Accounting, for

example, and put all user accounts for the accounting department in that

group. If a person quits, you don’t need to worry about assigning all the

proper access levels when you create a new account for his or her

replacement. After you make an account for the new person, just add her

account to the appropriate access group! Second, Windows provides

numerous built-in groups with various access levels already predetermined.

While all versions and editions of Windows come with many of these

built-in groups, Windows Home editions handle these very differently than

more advanced editions. For starters, make sure you are aware of the

following groups for the exam:

• Administrators Any account that is a member of the Administrators

group has complete administrator privileges. Administrator privileges

grant complete control over a machine. It is common for the primary

user of a Windows system to have her account in the Administrators


When you create the Jane user account, in other words, and make Jane

an administrator, you place the Jane account in the Administrators

group. Because the Administrators group has all power over a system,

Jane has all power over the system.

EXAM TIP Note that the default administrator account is Administrator.

You should use this default only if no other administrators can log on. Best

practice is to make a complex password for Administrator; write it down, and

put it in a safe for emergency use. Change the default admin user

account/password to reflect one or more of the user accounts added to the

Administrators group.

• Power Users Members of the Power Users group are almost as

powerful as members of the Administrators group, but they cannot

install new devices or access other users’ files or folders unless the

files or folders specifically provide them access.

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