CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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Figure 1-1 Casual Ford

I have a question for you. If you ran a small business and your primary file

server died, leaving 15 employees with nothing to do, how would you feel

about Ford as a tech coming into your office looking like this? I hope your

answer would be “not too confident.” Every company has some form of dress

code for techs. Figure 1-2 shows Ford dressed in a fairly typical example,

with a company polo shirt, khaki pants, and dark shoes (trust me on that

score). Please also note that both his shirt and his pants are wrinkle free. All

techs either know how to iron or know the location of the nearest cleaners.

While we are looking at this model of a man, do you appreciate that his

hair is combed and his face is cleanly shaven? It’s too bad I can’t use scratchand-sniffs,

but if I could, you’d also notice that Professional Ford took a

shower, used some deodorant, and brushed his teeth.

I hope that most of the people who read this smile quietly to themselves

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