CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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Figure 6-25 PCIe ×1 slot (top)

NOTE When you talk about the lanes, such as ×1 or ×16, use “by” rather

than “ex” for the multiplication mark. So “by 1” and “by 16” are the correct


Try This! Shopping Trip

So, what’s the latest PCIe motherboard out there? Get online or go to your

local computer store and research higher-end motherboards. What

combinations of PCIe slots can you find on a single motherboard? Which

motherboard has the most ×16 lanes? Why? Jot them down and compare

your findings with your classmates’ findings.

Installing Expansion Cards

Installing an expansion card successfully—another one of those bread-andbutter

tasks for the PC tech—requires at least four steps. First, you need to

know that the card works with your system and your operating system.

Second, you have to insert the card in an expansion slot properly and without

damaging the card or the motherboard. Third, you need to provide drivers for

the operating system—proper drivers for the specific OS. Fourth, you should

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