CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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running in Windows from command line, 648–649

as set of commands sent to CPU, 89

Troubleshooting applet, 720

uninstallling, 725

Programs and Features applet, Control Panel, 604, 606


HDBaseT connectors for some, 756–757

overview of, 750–752

Properties option, Windows 7 Task Manager, 500

proprietary closed source development models, 1099

proprietary crash screen, 127–128, 163

proprietary form factors, motherboards, 212–213

proprietary vendor-specific ports/connectors, Apple Lightning, 1130

protected health information (PHI), 1260

protection, of sensitive information, 1249

protective covers, mobile devices, 1135, 1159–1160


Internet application. See Internet application protocols

VPN, 1110

WEP wireless security, 904–905

WPA, WPA2, WPA3 wireless security, 905

WPS wireless security, 906

proxy server, filtering employee Internet access, 964–965

pruning folder trees in command line, 656–657

prying tools (spudgers), 16–17

PS/2 port, keyboard connection, 403

ps command, macOS/Linux, 665–666

PSU (power supply unit). See power supplies

public cloud, 1028

public keys, application encryption, 1295

public libraries, sharing resources, 553–555

pulse code modulation (PCM) sound format, 420

punchdown tool, 822–823

purpose-built mobile devices, 1088–1089

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