CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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portable battery recharger, 1148

portable computing

batteries, 1051–1052

cleaning, 1059

component replacement, 1071–1074

display types, 1042–1043

hardware, 38, 41

hardware replacement, 1074–1075

heat issues, 1059

input devices, 1039–1041

overview of, 1035–1036

power management, 1052–1058

protecting machine, 1060–1062

repairing/disassembly process, 1062–1064

review Q & A, 1082–1084

taxonomy, 1036–1038

upgrading mass storage, 1068–1070

upgrading RAM, 1064–1068

portable computing, extending devices

expansion slots, 1048–1049

general purpose ports, 1049–1050

networking options, 1046–1048

overview of, 1043

single-function ports, 1043–1046

portable computing, troubleshooting

audio, 1080

battery issues, 1076–1077

display, 1078

don’t work/work intermittently, 1079

input, 1080–1081

laptop won’t power on, 1076

overheating, 1077

performance, 1076

portables, notebooks also called, 1036

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