CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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installation process, 461–462

mobile. See mobile OS

only primary partitions can boot, 328–329

partitioning when installing on new system, 333

smartphones/tablets using mobile, 1036

synchronization issues in mobile devices, 1128

user accounts, passwords, and groups for, 528

user interfaces. See UIs (user interfaces)

Windows 10 clean installation. See Windows 10 clean installation

OSs (operating systems), maintenance

autostarting software control, 592–595

disk, 586–588

macOS and Linux patch management, 582–583

optimization vs., 600

overview of, 575–576

Registry, 585–586

review Q & A, 623–625

scheduling, 589–592

Windows administration tools, 595–599

Windows patch management, 576–582

Windows temporary files, 584–585

OSs (operating systems), optimization

adding/removing Windows components/features, 607–608

backing up personal data, 613–619

installing devices, 609–610

installing software, 600–605

maintenance vs., 600

overview of, 575–576

performance options, 611–613

removing software, 604–607

review Q & A, 623–625

System Restore tool, 619–623

OSs (operating systems), troubleshooting

application problems. See application problems

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