CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves.

tiers Levels of Internet providers, ranging from the Tier 1 backbones to Tier

3 regional networks.

tiles The building blocks of Windows 8’s Modern UI, as potentially “smart”

app shortcuts, capable of displaying dynamic and changing information

without even opening the app.

timbre Qualities that differentiate the same note played on different


Time Machine macOS backup tool that enables you to create full system

backups, called local snapshots, and to recover some or all files in the event

of a crash; it also enables you to restore deleted files and recover previous

versions of files.

TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) Deprecated encryption standard

used in WPA that provided a new encryption key for every sent packet.

TN (twisted nematic) Older technology for LCD monitors. TN monitors

produce a decent display for a modest price, but they have limited viewing

angles and can’t accurately reproduce all the color information sent by the

video card.

tone generator See toner (networking).

tone probe See toner (networking).

toner (networking) Generic term for two devices used together—a tone

generator and a tone probe (locator)—to trace cables by sending an electrical

signal along a wire at a particular frequency. The tone probe then emits a

sound when it distinguishes that frequency.

toner (printing) A fine powder made up of plastic particles bonded to

pigment particles, used to create the text and images on a page printed with a

laser printer.

toner cartridge Object used to store the toner in a laser printer. See also

laser printer and toner (printing).

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