CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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dictionary attack Type of brute force attack using a dictionary to guess

things like usernames and passwords. Don’t think Webster’s—these

dictionaries may be full of usernames and passwords that have leaked or been

used as defaults over the years.

digital camera Camera that simulates film technology electronically.

digital certificate Form in which a public key is sent from a Web server to

a Web browser so that the browser can decrypt the data sent by the server.

digital rights management (DRM) Code schemes for enforcing what users

can and can’t do with commercial software or digital media files.

digitizer (peripheral) Device enabling users to paint, ink, pencil, or

otherwise draw with a computer. Also known as a pen tablet.

digitizer (screen) The touchscreen overlay technology that converts finger

and stylus contact into input data for the device to use.

DIMM (dual inline memory module) 32- or 64-bit type of DRAM

packaging with the distinction that each side of each tab inserted into the

system performs a separate function. DIMMs come in a variety of sizes, with

184-, 240-, and 288-pin being the most common on desktop computers.

dipole antennas Standard straight-wire antennas that provide the most

omnidirectional function.

dir Command-line tool used to display the entire contents of the current

working directory.

direct LED backlighting Matrix of LEDs that illuminates a display from

directly behind the display panel.

directory Another name for a folder.

DirectX Set of APIs enabling programs to control multimedia, such as

sound, video, and graphics. Used in Windows 7 to draw the Aero desktop.

discretionary access control See DAC.

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