CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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the same signal.

brightness control Mobile device feature controlling screen brightness. Can

be set to automatically adjust to ambient light or be manually changed.

broadband Commonly understood as a reference to high-speed, always-on

communication links that can move large files much more quickly than a

regular phone line.

broadcast A network transmission addressed for every node on the


broadcast domain Group of computers connected by one or more

switches––that is, a group of computers that receive broadcast frames from

each other.

browser Program specifically designed to retrieve, interpret, and display

Web pages.

brute force Simple attack that attempts to guess credentials or identify

vulnerabilities by trying many possibilities.

BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) Infamous error screen that appears when

Windows encounters an unrecoverable error.

buffered/registered RAM Usually seen in motherboards supporting more

than four sticks of RAM; used to address interference issues caused by the

additional sticks. It accomplishes this with a small register installed on some

memory modules to act as a buffer between the DIMM and the memory


bug Programming error that causes a program or a computer system to

perform erratically, produce incorrect results, or crash. The term was coined

when a real bug was found in one of the circuits of one of the first ENIAC


burn Process of writing data to a writable optical disc, such as a DVD-R.

burn-in failure Critical failure usually associated with manufacturing

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