CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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Network Security

Networks are under threat from the outside as well, so this section looks at

issues involving Internet-borne attacks, firewalls, and wireless networking.

This content is the security bread and butter for a CompTIA A+ technician,

so you need to understand the concepts and procedures and be able to

implement them properly.

Malicious Software

The beauty of the Internet is the ease of accessing resources just about

anywhere on the globe, all from the comfort of your favorite chair. This

connection, however, runs both ways, and people from all over the world can

potentially access your computer from the comfort of their evil lairs. The

Internet is awash with malicious software that is, even at this moment, trying

to infect your systems.

The term malware defines any program or code that’s designed to do

something on a system or network that you don’t want done. Malware comes

in quite a variety of guises, such as viruses, worms, ransomware, spyware,

Trojan horses, keyloggers, and rootkits. Let’s examine all these forms of

malware, look at what they do to infected systems, and then examine how

these nasties get onto your machines in the first place.

Forms of Malware

Malware has been pestering PC users since the 1980s and has evolved into

many forms over the years. From the classic boot sector viruses of the ’90s to

the modern threats of CryptoLocker and drive-by downloads, malware is an

ever-changing threat to your users and data. To better understand these

threats, you need to understand the different forms that malware can take.

Virus A virus is a program that has two jobs: to replicate and to activate.

Replication means it makes copies of itself, by injecting itself as extra code

added to the end of executable programs, or by hiding out in a drive’s boot

sector. Activation is when a virus does something like corrupting data or

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