CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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Data Destruction

Often an extension of unauthorized access, data destruction means more than

just intentionally or accidentally erasing or corrupting data. It’s easy to

imagine some evil hacker accessing your network and deleting all your

important files, but authorized users may also access certain data and then use

that data beyond what they are authorized to do. A good example is the

person who legitimately accesses a Microsoft Access product database to

modify the product descriptions, only to discover that she can change the

prices of the products, too.

This type of threat is particularly dangerous when users are not clearly

informed about the extent to which they are authorized to make changes. A

fellow tech once told me about a user who managed to mangle an important

database when someone gave him incorrect access. When confronted, the

user said: “If I wasn’t allowed to change it, the system wouldn’t let me do it!”

Many users believe that systems are configured in a paternalistic way that

wouldn’t allow them to do anything inappropriate. As a result, gusers often

assume they’re authorized to make any changes they believe are necessary

when working on a piece of data they know they’re authorized to access.

Administrative Access

Every operating system enables you to create user accounts and grant those

accounts a certain level of access to files and folders in that computer. As an

administrator, supervisor, or root user, you have full control over just about

every aspect of the computer. This increased control means these accounts

can do vastly more damage when compromised, amplifying the danger of

several other threats. The idea is to minimize both the number of accounts

with full control and the time they spend logged in.

Even if a user absolutely needs this access, uses strong passwords, and

practices good physical security, malware installed by a convincing spear

phishing attack could leverage that control to access files, install software,

and change settings a typical account couldn’t touch.

System Crash/Hardware Failure

As with any technology, computers can and will fail—usually when you can

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