CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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downside: images scanned at 48 bits are twice the size of 24-bit scans and

can easily be hundreds of megabytes per file!

These days, 48-bit scanners are common enough that you shouldn’t have

to settle for less, even on a budget. Figures 26-19, 26-20, and 26-21 show

pretty clearly the difference resolution makes when scanning.

Figure 26-19 Earring scanned at 72 dpi and 24-bit color

Figure 26-20 Same earring, scanned at 300 dpi and 24-bit color

Figure 26-21 Same earring, scanned at 1200 dpi and 24-bit color

Scanners differ a lot in grayscale depth, a number that defines how many

shades of gray the scanner can save per pixel. This matters if you work with

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