CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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Understanding Mobile Devices

In this chapter, you will learn how to

• Explain the features and capabilities of mobile devices

• Describe the major mobile operating systems

• Describe how to configure mobile devices

It’s hard to imagine that most of the mobile devices we use today—in

particular, the popular iPhone and Android devices—didn’t even exist ten

years ago. Mobile devices revolutionized the way we work and play. Devices

such as smartphones, tablets, and even smart watches enable people to access

unique tools and features from just about anywhere and accomplish essential

tasks on the go.

As amazing as mobile devices are, it’s not easy to find a definition of

mobile device that everyone agrees on. If you ask folks who are comfortable

with these devices, you’ll get lots of descriptions of functions and capabilities

as opposed to what they are. In essence, the following aspects make a device

mobile (and even these will sometimes create debate):

• Lightweight, usually less than two pounds

• Small, designed to move with you (in your hand or pocket)

• Touch or stylus interface; no keyboard or mice

• Sealed unit lacking any user-replaceable parts

• Non-desktop OS; mobile devices use special mobile operating systems

The last one is important—it’s the one easy way to differentiate something

like a hybrid portable computer in a tablet form factor from a plain tablet

mobile device. Your typical portable computer runs a desktop OS such as

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