CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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EXAM TIP Know the differences between basic cloud concepts such as

SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS.

Ownership and Access

Security concerns like those just discussed don’t mean organizations have to

forfeit all of the advantages of cloud computing, but they do make their

management think hard about the trade-offs between cost, control,

customization, and privacy. Some organizations also have unique capacity,

performance, or other needs no existing cloud provider can meet. Each

organization makes its own decisions about these trade-offs, but the result is

usually a cloud network that can be described as public, private, community,

or hybrid.

Public Cloud

Most folks usually just interact with a public cloud, a term used to describe

software, platforms, and infrastructure delivered through networks that the

general public can use. When we talk about the cloud, this is what we mean.

Out on the open, public Internet, cloud services and applications can

collaborate in ways that make it easier to think of them collectively as the

cloud than as many public clouds. The public doesn’t own this cloud—the

hardware is often owned by companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft

—but there’s nothing to stop a company like Netflix from building its Web

application atop the IaaS offerings of all three of these companies at once.

The public cloud sees examples of all the xaaS varieties, which give

specific names to these cloud concepts:

• Public IaaS

• Public PaaS

• Public SaaS

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