CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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Figure 21-34 Accessing an FTP site in Firefox

Although you can use a Web browser, all FTP sites require you to log on.

Your Web browser will assume that you want to log on as “anonymous.” If

you want to log on as a specific user, you have to add your user name to the

URL. (Instead of typing ftp://ftp.example.com, you would type

ftp://mikem@ftp.example.com.) An anonymous logon works fine for most

public FTP sites. Many techs prefer to use third-party programs such as

FileZilla or Cyberduck on macOS (see Figure 21-35) for FTP access because

these third-party applications can store user name and password settings. This

enables you to access the FTP site more easily later. Keep in mind that FTP

was developed during a more trusting time, and that whatever user name and

password you send over the network is sent in clear text. Don’t use the same

password for an FTP site that you use for your domain logon at the office!

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